
  • AWS Deployment

  • Scrum

  • Anatomy of Python Flask

  • Full Stack

  • Python/Flask in Jupyter

  • Procedures

  • Developing Algorithms

  • Iteration

  • Data Types, Lists, Dictionaries

  • 3.16 Simulations

  • 3.17 Algorithmic Efficiency

  • 3.18 Undecidable Problems

  • 3.14 Libraries

  • 3.15 Random Values

  • 3.12 Calling Procedures.

  • 3.13 Developing Procedures

  • 3.10 Lists

  • 3.11 Search

  • 3.9 Developing Algorithms

  • 3.8 Iteration

  • 3.7 Nested Conditionals

  • 3.5 Booleans

  • 3.6 Conditionals

  • 3.1 Variables and Assignments

  • 3.2 Data Abstraction

  • 3.3 Mathematical Expressions

  • 3.4 Strings

  • Big Idea 1 - Correcting errors

  • Big Idea 3 - Programming

  • Anatomy of Java Spring

  • Data Abstraction 1

  • Python/Flask Repo and App

  • Alien World Background

  • Binary Calculator

  • Game of Life

  • Snake Game

  • Agile Methodology Intro

  • Javascript Data Types/Lists

  • Using Javascript with HTML DOM

  • JavaScript Input

  • JavaScript Output w/ Objects

  • JS Itunes API

  • Start a JS Project

  • Pair Showcase

  • Basics of Javascript

  • Web Programming Basics

  • Basics of HTML Guide

  • Correcting errors

  • Anatomy of GitHub Pages

  • Python Tricks!

  • DevOps Tools verifications

  • DevOps Tools Setup

  • Start a Python/Flask Web Application

  • Build a Markdown Student Page

  • Tools and Equipment

  • Pair Programming