Criteria 4+ (95%) 4 (90%) 3 (83.33%) 2 (66.67%) 1 (50%)
Code Functionality Code exceeds expectations with extra features or enhancements. Code runs flawlessly and meets all the project requirements. Code runs with minor bugs but meets most project requirements. Code runs with significant bugs, meeting some requirements. Code does not run or fails to meet project requirements.
Code Efficiency Code is highly optimized with zero redundancy. Code is efficient with minimal redundancy. Code is generally efficient, but with some inefficiencies. Code has several inefficiencies or redundant parts. Code is highly inefficient, with poor logic and excessive redundancy.
Creativity and Innovation Exceptional creativity with novel problem-solving approaches. Demonstrates good creativity with unique ideas. Shows some creativity but relies on standard approaches. Lacks significant creativity, using common solutions. Lacks creativity, using basic or pre-existing solutions.
Documentation and Comments Code is excellently documented with clear, detailed comments throughout. Code is well-documented with adequate comments. Limited documentation with comments for only some parts. Documentation is sparse, with few explanations. No documentation or comments, making the code difficult to understand.


This is how much each section is weighted (percent wise)

Criteria Weight
Code Functionality 40%
Code Efficiency 25%
Creativity and Innovation 20%
Documentation and Comments 15%

Grading Example

Let’s say a student receives the following scores:

  • Code Functionality: 4+ (out of 4)
  • Code Efficiency: 2 (out of 4)
  • Creativity and Innovation: 4 (out of 4)
  • Documentation and Comments: 3 (out of 4)

Steps to Grade

  1. Code Functionality (Weight: 40%):
    • Score: 4+ = 95%
    • 95% of 40 = 0.95 × 40 = 38 points
  2. Code Efficiency (Weight: 25%):
    • Score: 2/4 = 66.67%
    • 66.67% of 25 = 0.6667 × 25 = 16.67 points
  3. Creativity and Innovation (Weight: 20%):
    • Score: 4/4 = 90%
    • 90% of 20 = 0.90 × 20 = 18 points
  4. Documentation and Comments (Weight: 15%):
    • Score: 3/4 = 83.33%
    • 83.33% of 15 = 0.8333 × 15 = 12.5 points

Final Grade

  • Total points: 38 + 16.67 + 18 + 12.5 = 85.17 points out of 100