Javascript Boolean Data Type
Booleans are a data type that can only have one of two values, true or false. In this tutorial, we will learn about the boolean data type in JavaScript.
Relational operators in JavaScript are used to compare two values, returning a Boolean value (true or false) based on the relationship. Relational operators are extremley similar to math functions such as less than or equal too.
Common Relational Operators
==: Equal to, checks if two values are the same (e.g., verifying a password match).
!=: Not equal to, checks if two values are different (e.g., ensuring input changes).
===: Strict equal to, checks equality and type (e.g., validating exact user ID).
!==: Strict not equal to, checks inequality and type (e.g., ensuring different type or value).
: Greater than, left value is larger than the right (e.g., comparing scores or ages).
<: Less than, left value is smaller than the right (e.g., setting age limits).
=: Greater than or equal to, left value is larger or equal (e.g., minimum age validation).