The AP test focuses on logic > syntax (Should note that the reader needs to find these obvious mistakes)
Variables don’t have to be completely case sensitive (you can have spelling mistakes)
Can use common math operators
missing semi-colons, parentheses, etc.
missing indentation
Calling methods
Writing methods
Handling return values
Method Parameters
2. Arrays
Use: storing + acessing values
Syntax: int[] arr = new int[10]; for an integer array with 10 elements.
Accessing Elements: arr[0] accesses the first element.
Looping through Arrays: Use a for loop to iterate over arrays, e.g., for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {}.
3. ArrayLists
Use: Dynamic Arrays (can grow and shrink dynamically)
Syntax: ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); where Type could be any object type (e.g., Integer, String).
Adding Elements: list.add(element);
Size: list.size();
Removing Elements: list.remove(index);
4. String Handling:
Comparing Strings:: Use .equals() for content comparison (not == which checks reference equality)
Concatenation: Use + for simple concatenation or StringBuilder for more efficient concatenation in loops.
5. Control Flow Structures:
Conditionals: if, else if, else
6. Libraries + Reference
Assume all classes are preimported and all methods are available. The question should be able to be solved with these methods. (Remember these are not complex!)