Player | Animation | Collision
- Ideas
- Basic Steps of Animation
- Additions to Game Levels
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
- Step 4
- Step 5
- Step 6
- Step 7
- Homework
Make a lesson and code around Players and Animations. There are animations for the Player, Goomba, etc. But there are typically animations for collisions or entering a portal. This task is primarily on better gravity for the player and collision animation support. Integrate ideas so they can be adapted to the Teacher project.
Improve Jumping Physics
- Improve jumping to be in steps.
- Here is a possible implementation.
- Ensure the player jumps in increments rather than teleporting to create a more realistic jumping effect.
- Add upward collision support with obstacles.
Improve Animations
Improve animations associated with movements of the player. The animations should apply to NPCs or Objects in collisions.
- Idle Animation (idle()):
- Add an idle animation that plays when the player is not moving.
- Include subtle movements to make the character appear more dynamic.
- Transitioning Movement (moveLeft() and moveRight()):
- Gradually transition from walking to running animations based on the duration of key presses.
- Implement a deceleration effect when the player stops moving.
- Attack Animation (attack()):
- Create an attack animation/scene that plays when the player interacts with enemies.
- Implement logic to avoid enemy kills through proper timing of attacks.
- Death and Restart Animations:
- Add animations for when the player dies.
- Implement animations for restarting after death.
- Implement animation when winning level.
Google Search
Look for ideas, Platformer transition animation
Basic Steps of Animation
Below is a sprite of Mr. Lopez. This was the first sprite created for his spritesheet, which outlines the animation of his movement frame by frame.
Below is the spritesheet of Mr. Lopez. Each row has a different side of him, because in the project that we used this in, he was able to move freely in all 4 directions. His animation is simple, and depicts basic movement.
The first change that we made to the spritesheet was the addition of Mr. Lopez’s cane. This was done to show a simple difference in how sprites can appear in the game. Our next step in animation will be drawing new sprites for running and idle animation.
Below is the spritesheet of spritesheet with a few more rows idle animation, running, and punch (attack).
Additions to Game Levels
Adding new animations gives the player new capabilities. For example, drawing sprites for running allows the player to feel as if they are running in the game, rather than walking everywhere.
In our code, running will be based on speed, so there will be different lines in the spritesheet corresponding to different speeds (i.e. row 1 = walking).
Step 1
Download this image and change the file path to fit it.
The code is very easy to modify with new animations. The biggest change would be the changing of rows and frames, which we will be changing next. Under the players section of the var assets, make a new player for Lopez.
players: {
lopez: {
src: "/filepath/lopezanimation.png", // Modify this to match your file path
width: 46,
height: 52.5,
idle: { row: 6, frames: 1, idleFrame: {column: 1, frames: 0} },
a: { row: 1, frames: 4, idleFrame: { column: 1, frames: 0 } }, // Right Movement
d: { row: 2, frames: 4, idleFrame: { column: 1, frames: 0 } }, // Left Movement
runningLeft: { row: 5, frames: 4, idleFrame: {column: 1, frames: 0} },
runningRight: { row: 4, frames: 4, idleFrame: {column: 1, frames: 0} },
s: {}, // Stop the movement
Step 2
Make a new level in the file by adding this to the game level section. Ensure that your tags are all the same, otherwise it will not work (i.e. player: assets.players.lopez).
new GameLevel( {tag: "lopez", background: assets.backgrounds.avenida, platform: assets.platforms.grass, scaffold: assets.scaffolds.brick, player: assets.players.lopez, enemy: assets.enemies.goomba, callback: testerCallBack } );
Step 3
Create a copy of Player.js titled Lopez.js. Add the speedLimit here.
export class Lopez extends Character {
// constructors sets up Character object
constructor(canvas, image, speedRatio, playerData, speedLimit) { // Add speedLimit
super(canvas, image, speedRatio, playerData.width, playerData.height);
Step 4
Add this property of speedLimit just under your event listeners.
// Additional Property for Speed Limit
this.speedLimit = speedLimit;
this.currentSpeed = 0;
this.acceleration = 0.11; // Adjust based on preference
this.deceleration = 0.1; // Adjust based on preference
Step 5
Apply the speedLimit under the update function.
// Player updates
update() {
// Adjust speed based on pressed keys
if (this.pressedKeys['a'] && this.movement.left) {
this.currentSpeed -= this.acceleration;
} else if (this.pressedKeys['d'] && this.movement.right) {
this.currentSpeed += this.acceleration;
} else {
// Decelerate when no movement keys are pressed
this.currentSpeed *= (1 - this.deceleration);
// Apply speed limit
if (Math.abs(this.currentSpeed) > this.speedLimit) {
this.currentSpeed = this.currentSpeed > 0 ? this.speedLimit : -this.speedLimit;
Step 6
Now we will be adding code so that the character transitions from moving left and right to smoothly moving into a running animation. The first thing you want to do is add a threshold so that when the character reaches a certain speed the sprite image switches to that sprite row.
This will go under where it says the //Player update update(){
// Apply speed limit
if (Math.abs(this.currentSpeed) > this.speedLimit) {
this.currentSpeed = this.currentSpeed > 0 ? this.speedLimit : -this.speedLimit;
// Update player position based on speed
this.x += this.currentSpeed;
// Check for speed threshold to change sprite sheet rows
const walkingSpeedThreshold = 1; // Walking speed threshold
const runningSpeedThreshold = 5; // Running speed threshold
Step 7
Next we need to add code so that it can switch rows on the sprite sheet picture based on which direction you are moving.
if (Math.abs(this.currentSpeed) >= runningSpeedThreshold) {
// Change sprite sheet row for running
if (this.currentSpeed > 0) {
} else {
} else if (Math.abs(this.currentSpeed) >= walkingSpeedThreshold) {
// Change sprite sheet row for walking
if (this.currentSpeed > 0) {
} else {
} else {
// Revert to normal animation if speed is below the walking threshold
// Perform super update actions
This piece of code goes right under the previous code that we just did. Be sure to add Lopez imports to necessary JS files so it applies to different game levels.
- Implement running animations to Lopez sprite.
- Adjust speed thresholds to your preference.
Challenges (not required): Apply running animations to other characters. Make the punching animation binded to a key and make it kill an enemy.
If there are any problems, please check our Lopez.js file linked here.