Hack 1: Check Voting Eligibility

Description: This hack checks if a person is eligible to vote based on their age.

  1. Define a function named checkVotingEligibility that takes one parameter called age.
  2. Inside the function, use an if statement to check if the age is 18 or older.
    • Return the message "You are eligible to vote!" if true; otherwise, return "You are not eligible to vote yet.".

Call the function with different age values to test your work

Hack 2: Grade Calculator

Description: This hack assigns a letter grade based on a numerical score.

  1. Define a function named getGrade that takes one parameter called score.
  2. Use if...else if...else statements to determine the letter grade based on the score:
    • Return "Grade: A" for scores 90 and above.
    • Return "Grade: B" for scores between 80 and 89.
    • Return "Grade: C" for scores between 70 and 79.
    • Return "Grade: F" for scores below 70.

Call the function with different scores to test your work.

Hack 3: Temperature Converter

Description: This hack converts temperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

  1. Define a function named convertTemperature that takes two parameters: value (the temperature) and scale (either “C” or “F”).
  2. Use an if statement to check the scale:
    • If it’s “C”, convert the temperature to Fahrenheit using the formula (value * 9/5) + 32 and return the result with "°F".
    • If it’s “F”, convert to Celsius using (value - 32) * 5/9 and return the result with "°C".
    • If the scale is neither, return an error message.

Test the function with different values and scales to check your work