<font color=#e194ff> Conditionals Overview </font>

Conditionals help control the flow of a program by deciding which code to execute based on a true or false condition.

<font color=#e194ff> 1. Basic IF Statement: </font>

IF (condition) { }
  • The code inside the brackets runs only if the condition is true. If the condition is false, nothing happens.

<font color=#e194ff> 2. IF-ELSE Statement: </font>

IF (condition) { } ELSE { }
  • The code in the first set of brackets runs if the condition is true. If the condition is false, the code in the second set of brackets runs instead.

<font color=#e194ff> Basic Example </font>

  1. Add a variable that represents temperature.
  2. Use an ‘if’ statement to print “It’s a hot day” if the temperature is greater than or equal to 30 degrees.
  3. Use an ‘else’ statement to print “It’s a cold day” otherwise.
# Step 1: Add a variable that represents temperature
temperature = 50  # You can change this value to test different conditions

# Step 2: Check if it’s a hot day
if temperature >= 80:
    print("It's a hot day")
# Step 3: Otherwise, print it's a cold day
    print("It's a cold day")
It's a cold day

<font color=#e194ff> Popcorn Hack #1 </font>

What would happen if you added more temperature ranges (like ‘warm’ for temperatures between 60 and 79 degrees)? How would you modify the code to implement this feature?”

<font color=#e194ff> Example with Booleans </font>

  1. Add a variable called is_logged_in and set it to False.
  2. Use an if statement to print “Welcome back!” if is_logged_in is True.
  3. Use an else statement to print “Please log in.” if it is False.
# Step 1: Create a variable called is_logged_in
is_logged_in = False  # You can change this to True to test the other condition

# Step 2: Check if the user is logged in
if is_logged_in:
    print("Welcome back!")
# Step 3: Otherwise, prompt the user to log in
    print("Please log in.")

Please log in.

<font color=#e194ff> Popcorn Hack #2 </font>

How would you modify the code to include a message for a successful login attempt? What additional condition would you need to implement this?

<font color=#e194ff> Example using Random </font>

  1. Make a function to randomize ages between 1 and 100 using random.randint.
  2. Assign the randomized ages to variables age1 and age2.
  3. Print the values of the ages.
  4. Print the relationship between the ages: age1 is older than, the same age as, or younger than age2.
import random

def randomize_ages():
    # Step 1: Randomize ages between 1 and 100
    age1 = random.randint(1, 100)
    age2 = random.randint(1, 100)
    # Step 2: Print the values of the ages
    print(f"Person 1's age: {age1}")
    print(f"Person 2's age: {age2}")
    # Step 3: Print the relationship of the ages
    if age1 > age2:
        print("Person 1 is older than Person 2.")
    elif age1 < age2:
        print("Person 1 is younger than Person 2.")
        print("Person 1 is the same age as Person 2.")

# Call the function

Person 1's age: 29
Person 2's age: 82
Person 1 is younger than Person 2.

<font color=#e194ff> Popcorn Hack #3 </font>

How could you modify the function to include a check for whether either person is considered a minor (under 18)?

Quiz Time!

# Import necessary modules
import getpass
import sys

# Function to ask a question and get a response
def question_with_response(prompt):
    answer = input(prompt)
    return answer

# Define the number of questions and initialize the correct answers counter
questions = 5
correct = 0

# Personalized greeting message
user_name = question_with_response("Enter your name: ")
print('Hello, ' + user_name + "! You are running " + sys.executable)
ready = question_with_response("Are you ready to take a quiz on Python conditionals? (yes/no): ")

# Question 1: Boolean Basics
response1 = question_with_response("What are the one of the two possible values of a Boolean? (true/false): ")
if response1.lower() in ['true', 'false']:
    correct += 1
    print("Incorrect. The correct answers are 'true' or 'false'.")

# Question 2: Boolean Expressions
response2 = question_with_response("Why are Boolean expressions important in programming? ")
if "true" in response2.lower() or "false" in response2.lower():
    correct += 1
    print("Incorrect. Boolean expressions are essential for making decisions in code.")

# Question 3: Conditional Statements
response3 = question_with_response("What is the purpose of conditional statements in programming? ")
if "make decisions" in response3.lower() or "control flow" in response3.lower():
    correct += 1
    print("Incorrect. They are used to control the flow of the program.")

# Question 4: Relational Operators
response4 = question_with_response("Name a common relational operator in programming. ")
if response4 in ['>', '<', '>=', '<=', '==', '!=']:
    correct += 1
    print("Incorrect. Examples include '>', '<', '=='.")

# Question 5: Logical Operators
response5 = question_with_response("What are the two common logical operators? ")
if response5 in ['and', 'or', 'not']:
    correct += 1
    print("Incorrect. Common logical operators are 'and', 'or', and 'not'.")

# Final score
print(user_name + ", you scored " + str(correct) + "/" + str(questions))

Hello, vibha! You are running /home/vibha/nighthawk/sprint_2/venv/bin/python
Incorrect. The correct answers are 'true' or 'false'.
Incorrect. Boolean expressions are essential for making decisions in code.
vibha, you scored 3/5