Workspace Registry Administration

Manual configuration is required to activite Workspaces that are published from the Nighthawk Registry.

Workspace Server Configs

Each time you perform a Terraform deployment you should make these adjustments to the server.

  • CPU and Memory override. As admin.kasm.local user goes to Compute / Docker Agents on the left panel. Go to triple dots (…) on the far right of listed Docker Agent override values as follows:
# Values have been increased according to use case expectations

CPU Cores: 2  ---> CPU Cores Override: 6
Memory: 4110970880 ---> Memory Override: 12123456789
  • Proxy Port adjustment. As admin.kasm.local user goes to Zones on the left panel. Go to triple dots (…) on the far right of the listed Zone set the value as follows:
# Nginx reverse proxy eliminates need for this setting

Proxy Port: 8443 ---> Proxy Port: 0

Workspaces Configs

Each time you set up a server you need to consider configuring these items.

  • Workspace Registry Add. As admin.kasm.local user go to Workspaces on left panel and select Workspace Registry. First, get link by following link and clicking Workspace Registry Link. Add the copied link to the Add New. The “Del Norte HS Computer Science” registry should appear, select small icons in box to filter.
  • Install Workspace. Click in the box of the desired and pick Install to add the workspace to the server’s workspace. This can take a while “10 minutes”. After installation, you need to make the following adjustments to the installed workspace. For each workspace, admin.kasm.local user goes to Workspaces on the left panel and observes the catalog of installed workspace(s). Go to triple dots (…) on the far right of the listed Workspace and set the value as follows: ```

    Persistent Home Directory (Kasm recommend different setting per workspace, here we use coders)

Persistent Profile Path: /mnt/kasm_profiles/coders/{username}

Setup Sudo and more. This will require adding of File Mapping at bottom of page

Name: Description: Install root updates Destination Path: /dockerstartup/ Executable: Slide to True

Large box for Jammy: set -ex echo “kasm-user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL” » /etc/sudoers ```