Popcorn Hack

Provide example code from Player.js to define and and illustrate terms discussed in Background.js

The Player.js has the same Object-Oriented definitions as Background.js

  1. Dependencies

  2. Constructor

  3. Attributes

  4. Methods

  5. Exports

Player and Algorithms

This remainder of the article will review the Player.js algoritmic code.

Encapsulation of algorithmic code is a key reason to write int the Object-Oriented Programming style.

Asynchronous Response to Keypress

A keypress is considered an event. Since the event is asynchronous to the gameLoop, the algorithm changes object-encapsulated data that alters the behavior of the player.

Asynchronous events alter the object’s encapsulated data.

     * Handles key down events to change the player's velocity.
     * This method updates the player's velocity based on the key pressed.
     * @param {Object} event - The keydown event object.
    handleKeyDown({ keyCode }) {
        switch (keyCode) {
            case 87: // 'W' key
                this.velocity.y -= this.yVelocity;
                this.direction = 'up';
            case 65: // 'A' key
                this.velocity.x -= this.xVelocity;
                this.direction = 'left';
            case 83: // 'S' key
                this.velocity.y += this.yVelocity;
                this.direction = 'down';
            case 68: // 'D' key
                this.velocity.x += this.xVelocity;
                this.direction = 'right';
  • keyCode - Identification data of the keypress event.
  • this.velocity - An encapsulated variable in the player object that impacts speed.
  • this.direction - An encapsulated variable that changes direction and changes the row for sprite animations.

Asynchronous Response to Resize

A window resize is considered an event. This event typically occurs within the game environment. A resize() method definition is common for most objects, as the object knows what to do when its game environment is altered.

The algorithm for resizing an object is adjusted proportionally to the game environment to stay in scale.

     * Resizes the player based on the game environment.
     * This method adjusts the player's size and velocity based on the scale of the game environment.
     * It also adjusts the player's position proportionally based on the previous and current scale.
    resize() {
        // Calculate the new scale resulting from the window resize
        const newScale = { width: GameEnv.innerWidth, height: GameEnv.innerHeight };

        // Adjust the player's position proportionally
        this.position.x = (this.position.x / this.scale.width) * newScale.width;
        this.position.y = (this.position.y / this.scale.height) * newScale.height;

        // Update the player's scale to the new scale
        this.scale = newScale;

        // Recalculate the player's size based on the new scale
        this.size = this.scale.height / this.scaleFactor; 

        // Recalculate the player's velocity steps based on the new scale
        this.xVelocity = this.scale.width / this.stepFactor;
        this.yVelocity = this.scale.height / this.stepFactor;

        // Set the player's width and height to the new size (object is a square)
        this.width = this.size;
        this.height = this.size;

this.position: Scaled using the relationship of the object to the game environment. this.xVelocity: Speed is also scaled in relation to the game environment.

Synchronous Algorithms and update()

The update() method is a synchronous method called from the gameLoop. It is invoked every time the browser recursively activates the gameLoop.

The update() method keeps the player object within bounds.

     * Updates the player's position and ensures it stays within the canvas boundaries.
     * This method updates the player's position based on its velocity and ensures that the player
     * stays within the boundaries of the canvas.
    update() {
        // Update begins by drawing the player object

        // Update or change position according to velocity events
        this.position.x += this.velocity.x;
        this.position.y += this.velocity.y;

        // Ensure the player stays within the canvas boundaries
        // Bottom of the canvas
        if (this.position.y + this.height > GameEnv.innerHeight) {
            this.position.y = GameEnv.innerHeight - this.height;
            this.velocity.y = 0;
        // Top of the canvas
        if (this.position.y < 0) {
            this.position.y = 0;
            this.velocity.y = 0;
        // Right of the canvas
        if (this.position.x + this.width > GameEnv.innerWidth) {
            this.position.x = GameEnv.innerWidth - this.width;
            this.velocity.x = 0;
        // Left of the canvas
        if (this.position.x < 0) {
            this.position.x = 0;
            this.velocity.x = 0;

if conditions Each if condition checks the boundaries of the canvas. this.position The position attribute in the object is changed to allow the player to move directionally.

Animation Algorithm

Most coders and users favor the sprite sheet animation algorithm. This is called from update(), thus it runs synchronously and at the browser’s framerate.

The animation algorithm cycles through and renders each frame of the sprite sheet according to the browser’s framerate cycle.

 * Draws the player on the canvas.
 * This method renders the player using the sprite sheet if provided, otherwise a red square.
draw() {
    if (this.spriteSheet) {
        // Sprite Sheet frame size: pixels = total pixels / total frames
        const frameWidth = this.spriteData.pixels.width / this.spriteData.orientation.columns;
        const frameHeight = this.spriteData.pixels.height / this.spriteData.orientation.rows;

        // Sprite Sheet direction data source (e.g., front, left, right, back)
        const directionData = this.spriteData[this.direction];

        // Sprite Sheet x and y declarations to store coordinates of current frame
        let frameX, frameY;
        // Sprite Sheet x and y current frame: coordinate = (index) * (pixels)
        frameX = (directionData.start + this.frameIndex) * frameWidth;
        frameY = directionData.row * frameHeight;

        // Draw the current frame of the sprite sheet
            frameX, frameY, frameWidth, frameHeight, // Source rectangle
            this.position.x, this.position.y, this.width, this.height // Destination rectangle

        // Update the frame index for animation at a slower rate
        if (this.frameCounter % this.animationRate === 0) {
            this.frameIndex = (this.frameIndex + 1) % directionData.columns;
    } else {
        // Draw default red square
        GameEnv.ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
        GameEnv.ctx.fillRect(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.width, this.height);

if (this.spriteSheet) or else: This condition performs drawImage or fillRect according to sprite sheet availability. frameX and frameY The algorithm calculates the position of the frame using directionData and frameIndex. frameWidth and frameHeight The algorithm uses these to determine the dimensions of the sprite sheet offset; the dimensions form a rectangle, not a point.