Sprint 6 - CSSE Objectives (Final)
CSSE Platformer Game final project. This includes help system, plans, code, testing, and N@tM.
Final Project
This Final Project needs to show that you have been introduced to Computer Science, JavaScript, and Object-Oriented Programming. This project prepares students to learn coding and explore future computer science and engineering courses. It demonstrates that the student has acquired some programming fundamentals.
By building a game, the project uses a topic of personal and social relevance (gaming) to investigate the impacts of computing through exploring language basics.
- Software Engineering Practices: Planning changes, checklists, burndowns, coding with comments, building help documentation, presentations
- Control Structures: Iteration, conditions, nested conditions
- Data Types: Numbers, strings, booleans, arrays, JSON objects
- Input/Output: HTML5 input, validation, Document Object Model (DOM)
- Operators: String operations, mathematical operations, boolean expressions
- Classes: Writing classes, creating methods, instantiating objects, using objects, calling methods, parameters, return values, basic inheritance
- Software Development Lifecycle Practices: Source control, forking, branching, building, testing and verification, pull requests, merging, deployment
- Retrospective Engineering Practices: Demos, live reviews, revising plans
Mira Costa College
The final project and course are intended to build up skills that qualify the student for college credit.
Web Site for CS111. Though, this course substitutes JavaScript for Java, which has been approved by advisory as substitute.
For those that wish to pursue Computer Science this starts you on Math and CS Pathway
The Final Project will be 6 weeks in duration (Weeks 19 to 24 of the CSSE course). The Final Project substitutes for a final exam and will have strict requirements.
Project Planning Schedule
These weeks are preparatory for the project. During these weeks, you will describe your project expertise and plans, including expected goals and stretch goals.
Week 17 - Help system that provides guidance to current and future engineers working on the game.
Week 18 - Help System reviews.
- Planned changes to expertise topics that will impact others in the game.
- Planned changes to team level(s).
- Students start 12 hours of coding journal in their blog.
- Friday: Teacher review of the Help System.
Project Development Schedule
These weeks are focused on development. During development, you should have one milestone to integrate, continuing the iterative cycle of development.
Week 19 - Key Development Week. Commence on the hardest part of your project.
- 4 hours of coding and testing with the team.
- Commit and issue analytics and issue burndown are used to evaluate progress.
Week 20 - Checkpoint Week. Commits and burndown.
- 2 hours of coding and testing with the team.
- Wednesday: Teacher review of analytics.
- 2 hours of testing, integration, and pull requests with Scrum Masters.
Week 21 - Integration 1 Week. 1st integration and retrospective.
- 1 hour of retrospective planning.
- Wednesday: Teacher demo of running code on Production.
- 3 hours of coding.
Week 22 - Final/Feature Complete Code.
- 2 hours of coding.
- 2 hours of testing, integration, and pull requests with Scrum Masters.
District Recess
Week 23 - N@tM
- Monday: A demo to Teacher df running code in Production.
- 2 hours preparing personal blog.
- Thursday: N@tM 6pm
- Students move their portion of game, level(s), to their personal blog.
Week 24 - Finals Week
- Teacher completes Final Grade and College Articulation reviews.