Pseudo Code Python and Java

Nested conditionals expand on the If-Then-Else principles introduced in Lesson 3.7.

  • Conditional Statements: Execute different actions depending on specific conditions.
  • Nested Conditionals: A conditional statement placed within another conditional statement.

Python Example Code

score = int(input("Enter the score: "))

if score >= 90:
    if score >= 80:
        if score >= 70:
            if score >= 60:


let score = parseInt(prompt("Enter the score:"));

if (score >= 90) {
} else {
    if (score >= 80) {
    } else {
        if (score >= 70) {
        } else {
            if (score >= 60) {
            } else {
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Credit Score Example

credit_score = 100
income = 10000

if credit_score < 700:
    print("Not eligible for loan due to low credit score")
elif income < 50000:
    print("Not eligible for loan due to low income")
    print("Eligible for loan")
Not eligible for loan due to low credit score


let credit_score = 100;
let income = 10000;

if (credit_score < 700) {
    console.log("Not eligible for loan due to low credit score");
} else if (income < 50000) {
    console.log("Not eligible for loan due to low income");
} else {
    console.log("Eligible for loan");
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Example 3

Write pseudocode to determine if a person qualifies for a discount based on their membership status and purchase amount

  • if the person is a member:
  • If someone is a member and spends more than $100, they get a 20% discount. If they spend $100 or less, they get a 10% discount.
  • If they’re not a member and spend more than $100, they get a 5% discount. If they spend $100 or less, they don’t get any discount.

Define is_member and purchase_amount

is_member = True # Set to True if the person is a member, False if not purchase_amount = 120 # Replace with the actual purchase amount

  • Both snippets (Python and JavaScript) check loan eligibility based on two factors: credit_score and income.

  • If the credit_score is less than 700, both codes print a message stating that the person is not eligible due to a low credit score.
  • If the credit_score is 700 or higher but the income is less than 50,000, both codes output that the person is not eligible due to low income.
  • If both conditions are met (credit score ≥ 700 and income ≥ 50,000), both snippets print that the person is eligible for a loan.
  • The Python code uses print() to display messages in the console, while the JavaScript code uses console.log() to achieve the same result.