Fall 2024 - P2
Big Idea 3 | .1 | .2 | .3 | .4 | .5 | .6 | .7 | .8 | .10 |
3.5.4 Booleans Hack (P2)
Student led teaching on Booleans. Learn how booleans are used in decision-making with logical operators.
Popcorn Hack
Look up Contrapositive Law. What is it, and how can it apply to your code? Make a blog post about it.
Contrapositive’s Law in Python
def A():
return True # Condition A
def B():
return True # Condition B
# Original statement: if A then B
if A():
print("A is true, so B must also be true:", B())
print("A is false, we cannot conclude anything about B.")
# Contrapositive: if not B then not A
if not B():
print("B is false, therefore A must also be false:", not A())
print("B is true, we cannot conclude anything about A.")
A is true, so B must also be true: True
B is true, we cannot conclude anything about A.
Contrapostive’s Law in Java
public class ContrapositiveExample {
public static boolean A() {
return true; // Condition A
public static boolean B() {
return true; // Condition B
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Original statement: if A then B
if (A()) {
System.out.println("A is true, so B must also be true: " + B());
} else {
System.out.println("A is false, we cannot conclude anything about B.");
// Contrapositive: if not B then not A
if (!B()) {
System.out.println("B is false, therefore A must also be false: " + !A());
} else {
System.out.println("B is true, we cannot conclude anything about A.");
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>