Practice Quiz (CODE: 97639328)

Try this quiz out after you review all the topics!

Popcorn Hack #1

Please abstract the keys of bananas, apples, and pears, and assign them to numbers 1, 2, and 3 in the most effective way possible. Please print out the output of access one values through its corresponding key.

See Answer

bestDictionaryEver = {"bananas": 1, "apples": 2, "pears": 3}
print(bestDictionaryEver["pears"]) #any key will do

Popcorn Hack #2

Please create a simple calculator in JavaScript and python, with only the basic functions of division, addition, subtraction, and multiplication. You do not need to build an interface for the calculator, it can be completely command line based. For example, first input = first number, second input = second number, and third input = math function.

See Answer

firstNumber = int(input("Please Enter the First Number Here: "))
secondNumber = int(input("Please Enter the Second Number Here: "))
mathFunction = int(input("Please Enter the function here: ")) #Ex: +, -, *, /

if mathFunction == "+":
    print(firstNumber + secondNumber)
elif mathFunction == "-":
    print(firstNumber - secondNumber)
elif mathFunction == "*":
    print(firstNumber * secondNumber)
elif mathFunction == "/":
    print(firstNumber / secondNumber)

Popcorn Hack #3

Task: Write a function that takes a list of strings and an integer n. The function should return a new list where each > string in the original list is repeated n times.

See Answer

def repeat_strings_in_list(strings, n): 
    result = [] # Creating array
    for string in strings:
        result.append(string * n)  # Repeating the string `n` times
    return result

string_list = ["hello", "world", "python"]
print(repeat_strings_in_list(string_list, 3))

Popcorn Hack #4

Please create a function that compares two sets, and checks if there is an value within set 2 that is within set 1. If a value from set 2 is in set 1, then return the boolean output ‘True’ . If not, then return the boolean value ‘False’. Here is an example of a check for your code:

print(sets_have_common_elements({1, 2, 3}, {3, 4}))  # Output: True
print(sets_have_common_elements({1, 2, 3}, {4, 5}))  # Output: False
See Answer

def sets_have_common_elements(set1, set2):
    for elem in set1:
        if elem in set2:
            return True
    return False
print(sets_have_common_elements({1, 2, 3}, {3, 4}))  # Output: True
print(sets_have_common_elements({1, 2, 3}, {4, 5}))  # Output: False
print(sets_have_common_elements({1, 2}, {2}))         # Output: False
print(sets_have_common_elements({}, {}))             # Output: False

Homework Hack

Part 1: Create a Profile Information (dict)

Create a dictionary called “profile” that contains the following keys. Create the variables “name”, “age”, “city”, and “favorite_color”. Assign values to these keys. Name should be a string, age should be an integer, city should be a string, and favorite_color should be a string.

See Answer

profile = {
    "name": "Your Name",
    "age": 15,
    "city": "Your City",
    "favorite_color": "Blue"
print("Profile:", profile)

Part 2: Create a List of Hobbies (list)

Create a list called “hobbies” that includes three of your hobbies as strings. Print the “hobbies” list.

See Answer

hobbies = ["Reading", "Gaming", "Swimming"]
print("Hobbies:", hobbies)

Part 3: Add Hobbies to Profile (dict and list)

Add the “hobbies” list to the “profile” dictionary under the key “hobbies”. Print the updated “profile” dictionary.

See Answer

profile["hobbies"] = hobbies
print("Updated Profile:", profile)

Part 4: Check Availability of a Hobby (bool)

Choose one of your hobbies and create a boolean variable called “has_hobby”. Set “has_hobby” to True if your hobby is available to do today, otherwise set it to False. Print a message using “has_hobby” like: “Is «your hobby» available today? «True/False»”

See Answer

has_hobby = True  # or False
print(f"Is {hobbies[0]} available today? {has_hobby}")

Part 5: Total Number of Hobbies (int)

Create a variable called “total_hobbies” and set it to the number of hobbies in your “hobbies” list. Print a message like: “I have «total_hobbies» hobbies.”

See Answer

total_hobbies = len(hobbies)
print(f"I have {total_hobbies} hobbies.")

Part 6: Favorite Hobbies (tuple)

Create a tuple called “favorite_hobbies” that contains your two most favorite hobbies. Print the “favorite_hobbies” tuple.

See Answer

favorite_hobbies = ("Gaming", "Reading")
print("Favorite Hobbies:", favorite_hobbies)

Part 7: Add a New Item to Your Profile (set)

Create a set called “skills” and add three unique skills you have. Print the set of “skills”.

See Answer

skills = {"Coding", "Drawing", "Cooking"}
print("Skills:", skills)

Part 8: Decide to Add a New Skill (NoneType)

You are thinking about learning a new skill. Create a variable called “new_skill” and set it to None (you haven’t decided yet). Print the value of “new_skill”.

See Answer

new_skill = None
print("New Skill:", new_skill)

Part 9: Calculate Total Profile Cost (float)

Assume each hobby costs $5 to pursue and each skill costs $10 to develop. Create a variable called “total_cost” as a float, and calculate how much it would cost to develop all your hobbies and skills. Print the total cost.

See Answer

total_cost = float(total_hobbies * 5 + len(skills) * 10)
print(f"Total cost to pursue hobbies and skills: ${total_cost:.2f}")

BONUS: Remake the entire thing using JavaScript!