Popcorn Hack #1

Define three variables: Movie, Sport, Pet name

Combine these variables into the following message: Hello, my favorite movie is [Movie]. My favorite sport is [Sport] and my pet’s name is [petName].

Do this exercise using both concatenation and interpolation


let favoriteMovie = "Inception";
let favoriteSport = "soccer";
let petName = "Buddy";

// Concatenation
let concatenatedMessage = "My favorite movie is " + favoriteMovie + ". I love playing " + favoriteSport + " and my pet's name is " + petName + ".";

// Interpolation
let interpolatedMessage = `My favorite movie is ${favoriteMovie}. I love playing ${favoriteSport} and my pet's name is ${petName}.`;

<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Popcorn Hack #2

You are given a string “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Your task is to write code that uses the slice() method to:

  • Extract the word “journey”
  • Extract the word “miles” using a negative starting index
  • Extract everything from the word “begins” to the end of the sentence
  • Output these extractions at the end of the code

// Define string
let phrase = "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step";

// Extraction
let partOne = phrase.slice(2, 8);
let partTwo = phrase.slice(-18, -12);
let remainder = phrase.slice(20);

// Output
console.log(partOne);  // Output: journey
console.log(partTwo);  // Output: miles
console.log(remainder); // Output: begins with a single step

Popcorn Hack #3 Removing Vowels

Write a function that takes a sentence as input and removes all the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) from it, both uppercase and lowercase. The program should return the modified sentence.


Use a loop or list comprehension to filter out vowels. Test it with sentences that contain both uppercase and lowercase vowels.

def remove_vowels(input_str):
    vowels = "aeiouAEIOU"
    result = ''.join([char for char in input_str if char not in vowels])
    return result

sentence = "I enjoy learning Python!"

 njy lrnng Pythn!

Reverse Order Hack

Take a sentence as input, then reverse the order of words, but not the characters within the words.


Split the sentence into words, reverse the word list, and then join them back into a string. Try this with different sentences!

def reverse_words(input_str):
    words = input_str.split()
    reversed_words = " ".join(words[::-1])
    return reversed_words

sentence = "I love coding!"

coding! love I