Popcorn Hacks answer key

Exercise 1

Create a variable that holds a true or false value. Print a message that says “This is true!” if the value is true and “This is false!” if the value is false.


let isSunny = true;  // Change this to false to test the other case

if (isSunny) {
    console.log("This is true!");  // Will print if isSunny is true
} else {
    console.log("This is false!"); // Will print if isSunny is false

Exercise 2

Write a program that checks if both conditions are true: the weather is nice (true) and it’s a weekend (true). Print “Go outside!” if both are true, and “Stay inside!” otherwise.


let isWeekend = true;  // Change to false to test the other case
let isNiceWeather = true;  // Change to false to test the other case

if (isWeekend && isNiceWeather) {
    console.log("Go outside!");  // Will print if both are true
} else {
    console.log("Stay inside!"); // Will print if either is false

Exercise 3

Write a program that prints “Time to go to the beach!” if it’s either sunny or the weekend. Use the OR (   ) operator.

let isSunny = true;  // Change to false to test the other case
let isWeekend = false;  // Change to true to test the other case

if (isSunny || isWeekend) {
    console.log("Time to go to the beach!");  // Will print if either condition is true
} else {
    console.log("Stay home.");

Exercise 4

Write a program that prints “Not sunny today” if isSunny is false, and “It’s sunny!” if isSunny is true. Use the NOT (!) operator to invert the value of isSunny.


let isSunny = false;  // Change to true to test the other case

if (!isSunny) {
    console.log("Not sunny today");  // Will print if isSunny is false
} else {
    console.log("It's sunny!");  // Will print if isSunny is true

Exercise 5

Create a program that checks if a user is both logged in (true) and has admin rights (true). Print “Access granted!” if both are true, and “Access denied!” if either is false.


let isLoggedIn = true;  // Change to false to test the other case
let isAdmin = true;     // Change to false to test the other case

if (isLoggedIn && isAdmin) {
    console.log("Access granted!");  // Will print if both conditions are true
} else {
    console.log("Access denied!");   // Will print if either is false

Exercise 6

Use a ternary operator to decide whether a user is allowed access based on their age. If the age is 18 or above, print “You are allowed access.” If below 18, print “Sorry, you are too young.”

let age = 16;  // Change this value to test different cases

let accessMessage = age >= 18 ? "You are allowed access." : "Sorry, you are too young.";

console.log(accessMessage);  // Will print based on age

Exercise 7

Write a program that checks if a user is both a VIP (true) and has a VIP ticket (true). If both conditions are true, print “VIP Access granted!” Otherwise, print “Access denied!”


let isVIP = true;          // Change to false to test the other case
let hasVIPticket = false;  // Change to true to test the other case

if (isVIP && hasVIPticket) {
    console.log("VIP Access granted!");  // Will print if both conditions are true
} else {
    console.log("Access denied!");       // Will print if either is false