#Lesson: Exploring Materials Project Data and Predicting Material Properties ##Step 1: Importing Libraries In this lesson, we’ll explore materials project data and perform various data analysis tasks using Python. First, we need to import the necessary libraries to work with data, visualize it, and perform machine learning.

from mp_api.client import MPRester
import pandas as pd
from pymatgen.core import Composition
import datetime
from math import inf
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict, cross_validate, KFold
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error
import seaborn as sns

#from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
#from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict, cross_validate, KFold
#from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
#from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
#from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis, QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis
#from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
#from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN

##Step 2: Accessing Materials Project Data The Materials Project is a database containing materials properties data. We’ll use the MPRester library to access materials project data related to ABO3 compounds. We’ll fetch properties like material_id, formula_pretty, nsites, band_gap, formation_energy_per_atom, theoretical, and energy_above_hull for all ABO3 compounds.

mpr = MPRester(api_key="PT7C2S6MEfO67wSwPtB3KlVvUu7ZI166")
ABO3 = mpr.summary.search(formula="**O3", fields=["material_id", "formula_pretty", "nsites", "band_gap", "formation_energy_per_atom", "theoretical", "energy_above_hull"])
Retrieving SummaryDoc documents:   0%|          | 0/2544 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
ABO3_dicts = [i.dict() for i in ABO3]
mp_database = pd.DataFrame(data=ABO3_dicts)

Step 3: Data Manipulation and Cleaning

Now that we have the materials project data in a DataFrame named ‘mp_database,’ let’s clean and manipulate the data to make it more suitable for analysis.

mp_database = mp_database.drop("fields_not_requested", axis=1)
grouped = mp_database.groupby('formula_pretty').size()
nsites                         18
formula_pretty               1330
material_id                  2544
formation_energy_per_atom    2544
energy_above_hull            2199
band_gap                     1297
theoretical                     2
dtype: int64
nsites formula_pretty material_id formation_energy_per_atom energy_above_hull band_gap theoretical
0 20 NaNbO3 mp-4681 -2.833432 0.012851 2.3684 False
1 10 MnZnO3 mp-754318 -1.814413 0.005794 1.3225 True
2 20 MnAlO3 mp-1368992 -2.573144 0.161167 0.5506 True
3 5 BaBiO3 mp-545783 -2.222888 0.021211 0.0000 False
4 20 MnTlO3 mp-770870 -1.505971 0.053737 0.0000 True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2539 5 BaCdO3 mp-1183292 -1.645883 0.202881 0.0000 True
2540 10 LaMnO3 mp-1205375 -2.968812 0.161878 0.0000 False
2541 5 TlSiO3 mp-1187529 -1.862867 0.534038 0.0000 True
2542 5 GdBeO3 mp-1184468 -2.874174 0.315310 0.0000 True
2543 5 InSiO3 mp-1184751 -2.064795 0.561967 0.0000 True

2544 rows × 7 columns

mp_database['formation_energy_per_atom_ev_mol'] = mp_database['formation_energy_per_atom'] * 96491.5666
nsites formula_pretty material_id formation_energy_per_atom energy_above_hull band_gap theoretical formation_energy_per_atom_ev_mol
0 20 NaNbO3 mp-4681 -2.833432 0.012851 2.3684 False -273402.322598
1 10 MnZnO3 mp-754318 -1.814413 0.005794 1.3225 True -175075.572015
2 20 MnAlO3 mp-1368992 -2.573144 0.161167 0.5506 True -248286.682798
3 5 BaBiO3 mp-545783 -2.222888 0.021211 0.0000 False -214489.986143
4 20 MnTlO3 mp-770870 -1.505971 0.053737 0.0000 True -145313.457382
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2539 5 BaCdO3 mp-1183292 -1.645883 0.202881 0.0000 True -158813.786775
2540 10 LaMnO3 mp-1205375 -2.968812 0.161878 0.0000 False -286465.330840
2541 5 TlSiO3 mp-1187529 -1.862867 0.534038 0.0000 True -179750.985874
2542 5 GdBeO3 mp-1184468 -2.874174 0.315310 0.0000 True -277333.565860
2543 5 InSiO3 mp-1184751 -2.064795 0.561967 0.0000 True -199235.298396

2544 rows × 8 columns

##Step 4: Classifying Materials Let’s classify the materials based on their stability and band gap properties. We’ll define two functions, ‘stability_category’ and ‘bandgap_category,’ to perform the classification.

# Assuming you already have a pandas DataFrame named 'mp_database' with columns 'energy_above_hull' and 'band_gap'

# Function to classify materials based on energy_above_hull
def stability_category(energy):
    if energy > 0.03:
        return 'unstable'
        return 'potentially_stable'

# Function to classify materials based on band_gap
def bandgap_category(band_gap):
    if band_gap == 0:
        return 'metal'
    elif 0 < band_gap <= 1:
        return 'small_bandgap'
        return 'large_bandgap'

# Apply the classification functions to the DataFrame
mp_database['stability'] = mp_database['energy_above_hull'].apply(stability_category)
mp_database['bandgap_type'] = mp_database['band_gap'].apply(bandgap_category)

# Create a pivot table to get the desired table structure
new_table = pd.pivot_table(mp_database, index='stability', columns='bandgap_type', aggfunc='size', fill_value=0)

# Reorder the columns to match the desired order
new_table = new_table[['metal', 'small_bandgap', 'large_bandgap']]

bandgap_type        metal  small_bandgap  large_bandgap
potentially_stable    197            103            525
unstable             1042            212            465
nsites formula_pretty material_id formation_energy_per_atom energy_above_hull band_gap theoretical formation_energy_per_atom_ev_mol stability bandgap_type
0 20 NaNbO3 mp-4681 -2.833432 0.012851 2.3684 False -273402.322598 potentially_stable large_bandgap
1 10 MnZnO3 mp-754318 -1.814413 0.005794 1.3225 True -175075.572015 potentially_stable large_bandgap
2 20 MnAlO3 mp-1368992 -2.573144 0.161167 0.5506 True -248286.682798 unstable small_bandgap
3 5 BaBiO3 mp-545783 -2.222888 0.021211 0.0000 False -214489.986143 potentially_stable metal
4 20 MnTlO3 mp-770870 -1.505971 0.053737 0.0000 True -145313.457382 unstable metal
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2539 5 BaCdO3 mp-1183292 -1.645883 0.202881 0.0000 True -158813.786775 unstable metal
2540 10 LaMnO3 mp-1205375 -2.968812 0.161878 0.0000 False -286465.330840 unstable metal
2541 5 TlSiO3 mp-1187529 -1.862867 0.534038 0.0000 True -179750.985874 unstable metal
2542 5 GdBeO3 mp-1184468 -2.874174 0.315310 0.0000 True -277333.565860 unstable metal
2543 5 InSiO3 mp-1184751 -2.064795 0.561967 0.0000 True -199235.298396 unstable metal

2544 rows × 10 columns

##Step 5: Data Visualization - Formation Energy Distribution Visualizing data is crucial for understanding its distribution and characteristics. Let’s create a histogram to visualize the distribution of formation energies per atom.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Assuming you have a pandas DataFrame named 'mp_database' with the 'formation_energies_per_atom' column

# Calculate the average and standard deviation
average_energy = mp_database['formation_energy_per_atom'].mean()
std_deviation = mp_database['formation_energy_per_atom'].std()

# Plot the distribution of the column
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.hist(mp_database['formation_energy_per_atom'], bins=30, edgecolor='black', alpha=0.7)

# Add labels and title to the plot
plt.xlabel('Formation Energies per Atom')
plt.title('Distribution of Formation Energies per Atom')

# Annotate the plot with average and standard deviation
plt.axvline(average_energy, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, label='Average')
plt.axvline(average_energy + std_deviation, color='orange', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, label='Standard Deviation')
plt.axvline(average_energy - std_deviation, color='orange', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2)
plt.annotate(f'Average: {average_energy:.2f}', xy=(average_energy, 300), xytext=(average_energy + 0.5, 400),
             arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), fontsize=12)
plt.annotate(f'Standard Deviation: {std_deviation:.2f}', xy=(average_energy + std_deviation, 250),
             xytext=(average_energy + std_deviation + 1, 350), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05),

# Show legend

# Display the plot


##Step 6: Filtering and Preparing Data for Analysis Next, we’ll filter the data to keep only the most relevant materials. We’ll sort the data based on formation energy and remove duplicate formulas to keep only the materials with the lowest formation energy for each formula.

orig_data = pd.read_csv("data2022.csv", na_filter=False)
Unnamed: 0 task_id formula formation_energy_per_atom e_above_hull band_gap has_bandstructure
0 297 mp-570140 AuBr -0.125181 0.011579 1.9716 True
1 573 mp-1206190 ZnI6 0.387945 0.652470 0.1076 False
2 579 mp-1208424 TeBr4 -0.390060 0.000000 2.5202 False
3 738 mp-570480 TcBr4 -0.404404 0.000000 0.6025 True
4 880 mp-1064459 PBr 1.067789 1.327882 0.0000 False
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
676 118973 mp-974371 Rh3Br 0.670866 0.820678 0.0000 True
677 121600 mp-867231 TbI3 -1.382737 0.000000 2.0937 True
678 121602 mp-867247 TbBr3 -1.860767 0.000000 2.8570 True
679 121619 mp-867355 TeBr2 -0.186842 0.140200 0.6529 True
680 121834 mp-867893 SmI3 -1.399012 0.000000 2.0145 True

681 rows × 7 columns

import pandas as pd

# Assuming you have a pandas DataFrame named 'orig_data' with 'formation_energy_per_atom' and 'formula' columns

# Sort the DataFrame by 'formation_energy_per_atom' in ascending order
orig_data.sort_values(by='formation_energy_per_atom', ascending=True, inplace=True)

# Drop duplicates based on the 'formula' column and keep the first occurrence (smallest formation_energy_per_atom)
filtered_data = orig_data.drop_duplicates(subset='formula', keep='first')

# Display the resulting DataFrame
Unnamed: 0 task_id formula formation_energy_per_atom e_above_hull band_gap has_bandstructure
191 29313 mp-27456 BaBr2 -2.227832 0.000000 4.3731 True
475 80856 mp-567744 SrBr2 -2.156160 0.000000 4.4697 True
219 35022 mp-1071541 YbBr2 -2.109686 0.000000 4.3169 False
414 70294 mp-27972 AcBr3 -2.098107 0.000000 4.1045 True
304 51723 mp-22888 CaBr2 -2.052632 0.000000 4.5304 True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
268 44109 mp-1184756 IrI 0.949140 1.047085 0.0000 False
601 105675 mp-1197830 CI 0.950707 0.950707 3.4057 False
541 93486 mp-975905 Mo3I 0.977325 1.122018 0.0000 True
517 88638 mp-1209830 PBr2 1.261139 1.607930 1.7322 False
587 102482 mp-974474 ReBr 1.306459 1.507749 0.0000 True

392 rows × 7 columns

filtered_data = filtered_data[filtered_data["formation_energy_per_atom"] < 0]
Unnamed: 0 task_id formula formation_energy_per_atom e_above_hull band_gap has_bandstructure
191 29313 mp-27456 BaBr2 -2.227832 0.000000 4.3731 True
475 80856 mp-567744 SrBr2 -2.156160 0.000000 4.4697 True
219 35022 mp-1071541 YbBr2 -2.109686 0.000000 4.3169 False
414 70294 mp-27972 AcBr3 -2.098107 0.000000 4.1045 True
304 51723 mp-22888 CaBr2 -2.052632 0.000000 4.5304 True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
222 35973 mp-862773 TeI2 -0.036698 0.070018 0.7144 False
481 82174 mp-1185549 Mg149Br -0.022094 0.000000 0.0021 False
600 105624 mp-1185590 Mg149I -0.017586 0.000000 0.0025 False
512 87707 mp-1214775 AuBr2 -0.007624 0.143039 0.0000 False
544 94095 mp-1179985 PBr -0.007386 0.252708 1.3954 False

338 rows × 7 columns

Step 7: Calculating Composition-Averaged Properties

We will now calculate the composition-averaged atomic radius for each material in ‘filtered_data’ using the element properties data available in ‘element_data’ DataFrame.

element_data = pd.read_csv("element_properties.csv", index_col=0)
AtomicRadius AtomicVolume AtomicWeight BoilingT CovalentRadius Density ElectronAffinity Electronegativity FirstIonizationEnergy HeatCapacityMass SecondIonizationEnergy
H 0.25 18618.051940 1.007940 20.13 31 0.0899 72.8 2.20 13.598443 14.304 NaN
He NaN 37236.035560 4.002602 4.07 28 0.1785 0.0 NaN 24.587387 5.130 54.41776
Li 1.45 21.544058 6.941000 1615.00 128 535.0000 59.6 0.98 5.391719 3.582 75.64000
Be 1.05 8.098176 9.012182 2743.00 96 1848.0000 0.0 1.57 9.322700 1.825 18.21114
B 0.85 7.297767 10.811000 4273.00 84 2460.0000 26.7 2.04 8.298020 1.026 25.15480
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Pa 1.80 24.961161 231.035860 4273.00 200 15370.0000 NaN 1.50 5.890000 NaN NaN
U 1.75 20.748847 238.028910 4200.00 196 19050.0000 NaN 1.38 6.194100 0.116 10.60000
Np 1.75 19.244839 237.000000 4273.00 190 20450.0000 NaN 1.36 6.265700 NaN NaN
Pu 1.75 20.447164 244.000000 3503.00 187 19816.0000 NaN 1.28 6.026000 NaN 11.20000
Am 1.75 29.518685 243.000000 2284.00 180 13670.0000 NaN 1.30 5.973800 NaN NaN

95 rows × 11 columns

comp = Composition('Al2O3')
[Element Al, Element O]
defaultdict(<class 'float'>, {'Al': 2.0, 'O': 3.0})
import numpy as np

count = 0
column_nans = {}
for column in element_data.columns:
    for element in element_data[column]:
        if np.isnan(element):
            count += 1
    column_nans[column] = count
    count = 0
{'AtomicRadius': 7,
 'AtomicVolume': 2,
 'AtomicWeight': 0,
 'BoilingT': 2,
 'CovalentRadius': 0,
 'Density': 2,
 'ElectronAffinity': 9,
 'Electronegativity': 4,
 'FirstIonizationEnergy': 1,
 'HeatCapacityMass': 10,
 'SecondIonizationEnergy': 12}
# Set of commands to compute the mean value for each column, replace the NaNs by the mean and output the updated data set
for i in element_data.columns:
    col_mean = element_data[i].mean(skipna=True)
    element_data[i] = element_data[i].fillna(col_mean)
AtomicRadius AtomicVolume AtomicWeight BoilingT CovalentRadius Density ElectronAffinity Electronegativity FirstIonizationEnergy HeatCapacityMass SecondIonizationEnergy
H 0.250000 18618.051940 1.007940 20.13 31 0.0899 72.800000 2.200000 13.598443 14.304000 18.947504
He 1.500682 37236.035560 4.002602 4.07 28 0.1785 0.000000 1.747033 24.587387 5.130000 54.417760
Li 1.450000 21.544058 6.941000 1615.00 128 535.0000 59.600000 0.980000 5.391719 3.582000 75.640000
Be 1.050000 8.098176 9.012182 2743.00 96 1848.0000 0.000000 1.570000 9.322700 1.825000 18.211140
B 0.850000 7.297767 10.811000 4273.00 84 2460.0000 26.700000 2.040000 8.298020 1.026000 25.154800
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Pa 1.800000 24.961161 231.035860 4273.00 200 15370.0000 76.162209 1.500000 5.890000 0.635447 18.947504
U 1.750000 20.748847 238.028910 4200.00 196 19050.0000 76.162209 1.380000 6.194100 0.116000 10.600000
Np 1.750000 19.244839 237.000000 4273.00 190 20450.0000 76.162209 1.360000 6.265700 0.635447 18.947504
Pu 1.750000 20.447164 244.000000 3503.00 187 19816.0000 76.162209 1.280000 6.026000 0.635447 11.200000
Am 1.750000 29.518685 243.000000 2284.00 180 13670.0000 76.162209 1.300000 5.973800 0.635447 18.947504

95 rows × 11 columns

# Set of commands to compute and output the composition-averaged Atomic Radius for all materials
begin_time = datetime.datetime.now()
atomic_radius = pd.DataFrame()
filtered_data["composition_dict"] = [Composition(i).as_dict() for i in filtered_data.formula]
atomic_radius["formula"] = filtered_data.formula
atomic_radius["atomic_radius_avg"] = [np.average([element_data.loc[[el]]["AtomicRadius"][0] for el in comp], weights=[comp[el] for el in comp]) for comp in filtered_data.composition_dict]
print(datetime.datetime.now() - begin_time)
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy

formula atomic_radius_avg
191 BaBr2 1.483333
475 SrBr2 1.433333
219 YbBr2 1.350000
414 AcBr3 1.350000
304 CaBr2 1.366667
... ... ...
222 TeI2 1.400000
481 Mg149Br 1.497667
600 Mg149I 1.499333
512 AuBr2 1.216667
544 PBr 1.075000

338 rows × 2 columns

atomic_radius_2 = pd.DataFrame()
atomic_radius_2["formula"] = filtered_data.formula
atomic_radius_2["composition_dict"] = filtered_data.composition_dict
composition_averaged_list = []
for composition in atomic_radius_2["composition_dict"]:
    total_atoms_in_formula = 0
    element_radius_weighted = 0
    for element in composition:
        total_atoms_in_formula += composition[element]
        element_radius_weighted += element_data.loc[element]["AtomicRadius"] * composition[element]
    average = element_radius_weighted / total_atoms_in_formula
atomic_radius_2["atomic_radius_avg"] = composition_averaged_list
formula composition_dict atomic_radius_avg
191 BaBr2 {'Ba': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.483333
475 SrBr2 {'Sr': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.433333
219 YbBr2 {'Yb': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.350000
414 AcBr3 {'Ac': 1.0, 'Br': 3.0} 1.350000
304 CaBr2 {'Ca': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.366667
... ... ... ...
222 TeI2 {'Te': 1.0, 'I': 2.0} 1.400000
481 Mg149Br {'Mg': 149.0, 'Br': 1.0} 1.497667
600 Mg149I {'Mg': 149.0, 'I': 1.0} 1.499333
512 AuBr2 {'Au': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.216667
544 PBr {'P': 1.0, 'Br': 1.0} 1.075000

338 rows × 3 columns

average_properties = pd.DataFrame()
average_properties["formula"] = filtered_data.formula
average_properties["composition_dict"] = filtered_data.composition_dict
for prop in element_data.columns:
    composition_averaged_list = []
    for composition in average_properties["composition_dict"]:
        total_atoms_in_formula = 0
        element_property_weighted = 0
        for element in composition:
            total_atoms_in_formula += composition[element]
            element_property_weighted += element_data.loc[element][prop] * composition[element]
        average = element_property_weighted / total_atoms_in_formula
    average_properties[prop] = composition_averaged_list
formula composition_dict AtomicRadius AtomicVolume AtomicWeight BoilingT CovalentRadius Density ElectronAffinity Electronegativity FirstIonizationEnergy HeatCapacityMass SecondIonizationEnergy
191 BaBr2 {'Ba': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.483333 50.008311 99.045000 935.666667 151.666667 3250.000000 221.050000 2.270000 9.613088 0.384000 17.728610
475 SrBr2 {'Sr': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.433333 46.792927 82.476000 773.000000 145.000000 2956.666667 218.076667 2.290000 9.774150 0.418000 18.070700
219 YbBr2 {'Yb': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.350000 42.931774 110.954000 711.000000 142.333333 4270.000000 233.066667 2.393333 9.960587 0.367667 18.452667
414 AcBr3 {'Ac': 1.0, 'Br': 3.0} 1.350000 41.254141 116.678000 1117.250000 143.750000 4857.500000 262.490552 2.495000 10.152850 0.385500 19.130750
304 CaBr2 {'Ca': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.366667 42.664279 66.628667 807.000000 138.666667 2596.666667 217.190000 2.306667 9.913587 0.531667 18.351240
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
222 TeI2 {'Te': 1.0, 'I': 2.0} 1.400000 39.758135 127.136313 725.200000 138.666667 5373.333333 260.200000 2.473333 9.970707 0.210000 18.954200
481 Mg149Br {'Mg': 149.0, 'Br': 1.0} 1.497667 23.350997 24.675660 1356.126667 140.860000 1747.213333 2.164000 1.321000 7.674019 1.019340 15.078975
600 Mg149I {'Mg': 149.0, 'I': 1.0} 1.499333 23.351870 24.988996 1356.962000 140.986667 1759.346667 1.968000 1.319000 7.664935 1.017607 15.062577
512 AuBr2 {'Au': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.216667 34.000905 118.924856 1264.333333 125.333333 8513.333333 290.666667 2.820000 10.951043 0.359000 21.127333
544 PBr {'P': 1.0, 'Br': 1.0} 1.075000 35.370974 55.438881 442.750000 113.500000 2471.500000 198.300000 2.575000 11.150245 0.621500 20.680250

338 rows × 13 columns

max_properties = pd.DataFrame()
max_properties["formula"] = filtered_data.formula
max_properties["composition_dict"] = filtered_data.composition_dict
for prop in element_data.columns:
    composition_max_list = []
    max_property = 0
    for composition in max_properties["composition_dict"]:
        for element in composition:
            if element_data.loc[element][prop] > max_property:
                max_property = element_data.loc[element][prop]
    max_properties[prop] = composition_max_list
formula composition_dict AtomicRadius AtomicVolume AtomicWeight BoilingT CovalentRadius Density ElectronAffinity Electronegativity FirstIonizationEnergy HeatCapacityMass SecondIonizationEnergy
191 BaBr2 {'Ba': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 2.15 64.969282 137.327 2143.0 215.0 3510.0 324.6 2.96 11.813800 0.474 21.591
475 SrBr2 {'Sr': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 2.15 64.969282 137.327 2143.0 215.0 3510.0 324.6 2.96 11.813800 0.474 21.591
219 YbBr2 {'Yb': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 2.15 64.969282 173.054 2143.0 215.0 6570.0 324.6 2.96 11.813800 0.474 21.591
414 AcBr3 {'Ac': 1.0, 'Br': 3.0} 2.15 64.969282 227.000 3473.0 215.0 10070.0 324.6 2.96 11.813800 0.474 21.591
304 CaBr2 {'Ca': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 2.15 64.969282 227.000 3473.0 215.0 10070.0 324.6 2.96 11.813800 0.647 21.591
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
222 TeI2 {'Te': 1.0, 'I': 2.0} 2.60 18618.051940 244.000 5869.0 244.0 22590.0 324.6 2.96 13.598443 14.304 75.640
481 Mg149Br {'Mg': 149.0, 'Br': 1.0} 2.60 18618.051940 244.000 5869.0 244.0 22590.0 324.6 2.96 13.598443 14.304 75.640
600 Mg149I {'Mg': 149.0, 'I': 1.0} 2.60 18618.051940 244.000 5869.0 244.0 22590.0 324.6 2.96 13.598443 14.304 75.640
512 AuBr2 {'Au': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 2.60 18618.051940 244.000 5869.0 244.0 22590.0 324.6 2.96 13.598443 14.304 75.640
544 PBr {'P': 1.0, 'Br': 1.0} 2.60 18618.051940 244.000 5869.0 244.0 22590.0 324.6 2.96 13.598443 14.304 75.640

338 rows × 13 columns

min_properties = pd.DataFrame()
min_properties["formula"] = filtered_data.formula
min_properties["composition_dict"] = filtered_data.composition_dict
for prop in element_data.columns:
    composition_min_list = []
    min_property = inf
    for composition in min_properties["composition_dict"]:
        for element in composition:
            if element_data.loc[element][prop] < min_property:
                min_property = element_data.loc[element][prop]
    min_properties[prop] = composition_min_list
formula composition_dict AtomicRadius AtomicVolume AtomicWeight BoilingT CovalentRadius Density ElectronAffinity Electronegativity FirstIonizationEnergy HeatCapacityMass SecondIonizationEnergy
191 BaBr2 {'Ba': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.15 42.527825 79.90400 332.00 120.0 3120.0000 13.95 0.89 5.211664 0.204 10.00383
475 SrBr2 {'Sr': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.15 42.527825 79.90400 332.00 120.0 2630.0000 5.03 0.89 5.211664 0.204 10.00383
219 YbBr2 {'Yb': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.15 42.527825 79.90400 332.00 120.0 2630.0000 5.03 0.89 5.211664 0.155 10.00383
414 AcBr3 {'Ac': 1.0, 'Br': 3.0} 1.15 37.433086 79.90400 332.00 120.0 2630.0000 5.03 0.89 5.170000 0.120 10.00383
304 CaBr2 {'Ca': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 1.15 37.433086 40.07800 332.00 120.0 1550.0000 2.37 0.89 5.170000 0.120 10.00383
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
222 TeI2 {'Te': 1.0, 'I': 2.0} 0.25 7.297767 1.00794 20.13 31.0 0.0899 0.00 0.79 3.893905 0.116 10.00383
481 Mg149Br {'Mg': 149.0, 'Br': 1.0} 0.25 7.297767 1.00794 20.13 31.0 0.0899 0.00 0.79 3.893905 0.116 10.00383
600 Mg149I {'Mg': 149.0, 'I': 1.0} 0.25 7.297767 1.00794 20.13 31.0 0.0899 0.00 0.79 3.893905 0.116 10.00383
512 AuBr2 {'Au': 1.0, 'Br': 2.0} 0.25 7.297767 1.00794 20.13 31.0 0.0899 0.00 0.79 3.893905 0.116 10.00383
544 PBr {'P': 1.0, 'Br': 1.0} 0.25 7.297767 1.00794 20.13 31.0 0.0899 0.00 0.79 3.893905 0.116 10.00383

338 rows × 13 columns

average_properties = average_properties.drop("composition_dict", axis=1)
average_properties = average_properties.drop("formula", axis=1)
max_properties = max_properties.drop("composition_dict", axis=1)
max_properties = max_properties.drop("formula", axis=1)
min_properties = min_properties.drop("composition_dict", axis=1)
min_properties = min_properties.drop("formula", axis=1)

Step 8: Combining Property Data

Next, we’ll combine the composition-averaged, maximum, and minimum property DataFrames (‘average_properties’, ‘max_properties’, and ‘min_properties’) into a single design matrix DataFrame named ‘design_matrix’.

design_matrix = pd.concat([average_properties, max_properties, min_properties], axis=1)

Step 9: Splitting Data for Machine Learning

To train and evaluate our machine learning model, we need to split the data into training and testing sets.

targets = filtered_data[["band_gap", "formation_energy_per_atom"]]
targets.index = filtered_data.formula
band_gap formation_energy_per_atom
BaBr2 4.3731 -2.227832
SrBr2 4.4697 -2.156160
YbBr2 4.3169 -2.109686
AcBr3 4.1045 -2.098107
CaBr2 4.5304 -2.052632
... ... ...
TeI2 0.7144 -0.036698
Mg149Br 0.0021 -0.022094
Mg149I 0.0025 -0.017586
AuBr2 0.0000 -0.007624
PBr 1.3954 -0.007386

338 rows × 2 columns

train_X, test_X, train_y, test_y = train_test_split(design_matrix, targets, test_size=0.10, random_state=42)

Step 10: Data Normalization

Normalization is an essential preprocessing step in machine learning. We’ll normalize the training data by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation.

# Set of commands to obtain the mean and standard deviation of train_X
train_mean = train_X.mean()
train_std = train_X.std()

# Set of commands to obtain the new normalized train and test data sets
norm_train_X = (train_X - train_mean) / (train_std)
norm_test_X = (test_X - train_mean) / (train_std)

Step 11: Cross-Validated Linear Regression

We’ll perform linear regression using scikit-learn and apply cross-validation to evaluate the model’s performance.

# Set of commands to run the 5-fold cross-validation on the training set, pick the best-scoring model, and apply it to the test set
kfold = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
mlr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
mlr.fit(train_X, train_y["formation_energy_per_atom"])
cross_val = cross_validate(mlr, train_X, train_y["formation_energy_per_atom"], cv=kfold, return_estimator=True)
cv_mlr = cross_val["estimator"][np.argmax(cross_val["test_score"])]
cv_mlr.fit(test_X, test_y["formation_energy_per_atom"])
yhat = cv_mlr.predict(test_X)

# Set of commands to obtain the RMSE and MAE
MAE = mean_absolute_error(test_y["formation_energy_per_atom"], yhat)
RMSE = mean_squared_error(test_y["formation_energy_per_atom"], yhat, squared=False)
print("The mean absolute error for this cross-validated linear model is " + str(MAE))
print("The root mean squared error for this cross-validated linear model is " + str(RMSE))
The mean absolute error for this cross-validated linear model is 0.028795650045063535
The root mean squared error for this cross-validated linear model is 0.03491365888584181

Step 12: Data Visualization - Pairplot

Finally, we’ll use seaborn to create a pairplot to visualize the relationships between different element properties.

features = [c for c in element_data.columns]
grid = sns.pairplot(element_data[features])


band_gap formation_energy_per_atom
PtI2 1.2280 -0.165995
TiBr2 0.0000 -1.044361
WI2 1.9586 -0.208133
Mg3Br 0.0000 -0.118789
NpBr3 0.0000 -1.358265
... ... ...
CdI2 2.4223 -0.592137
HfBr4 4.2902 -1.394327
SmBr 0.0000 -1.149715
PdI2 0.9081 -0.251194
ThI3 0.0000 -1.212139

304 rows × 2 columns


Congratulations! You have completed the lesson on exploring materials project data and predicting material properties. We covered data access, cleaning, manipulation, visualization, and machine learning using Python and various libraries.

Keep exploring and experimenting with different data analysis techniques and machine learning models to gain deeper insights into materials science and make accurate predictions for material properties.