Nighthawk Pages is a project designed to support students in their Computer Science and Software Engineering education. It offers a wide range of resources including tech talks, code examples, and educational blogs. This project was initially based on Fastpages but has since evolved into an independent entity, it is no longer following Fastpages’ updates. The decision to separate from Fastpages was influenced by the deprecation of Fastpages in favor of Quarto, and the subsequent changes in development features that did not align with our goals.

Key Features


GitHub Pages setup

Activating GitHub Pages Actions

  1. Activate GitHub Pages Actions: This step involves enabling GitHub Pages Actions for your project. By doing so, your project will be automatically deployed using GitHub Pages Actions, ensuring that your project is always up to date with the latest changes you push to your repository.

Configuring the _config.yml

  1. Update _config.yml: You need to modify the _config.yml file to reflect your repository’s name. This configuration is crucial because it ensures that your project’s styling is correctly applied, making your deployed site look as intended rather than unstyled or broken.
github_repo: "portfolio_2025" 
baseurl: "/portfolio_2025"

Updating the Makefile

  1. Set Repository Name in Makefile: Adjust the REPO_NAME variable in your Makefile to match your GitHub repository’s name. This action facilitates the automatic updating of posts and notebooks on your local development server, improving the development process.
# Configuration, override port with usage: make PORT=4200
PORT ?= 4100
REPO_NAME ?= portfolio_2025
LOG_FILE = /tmp/jekyll$(PORT).log

GitHub Pages setup

The absolutes in setup up…

  1. Activate GitHub Pages Actions. The benefit, your project will be deployed via GitHub Pages Actions.
  2. Configure the _config.yml to match the name of the repository. The benefit, your project style will be activated and your project won’t look awful when deployed.
  3. Set your repository name in your Makefile. The benefit, your project will automatically update posts and notebooks to your localhost server during development.

GitHub Pages Actions

To get started you need to activate and configure GitHub Actions with a Theme.

GitHub Pages config

Edit the _config.yml file in this project. All the lines in this file should be personalized.

These lines must be changed to match the GitHub the repository.

github_repo: "portfolio_2025" 
baseurl: "/portfolio_2025"

Makefile edit

Edit the REPO_NAME to match your server at the top of the Makefile.

# Configuration, override port with usage: make PORT=4200
PORT ?= 4100
REPO_NAME ?= portfolio_2025
LOG_FILE = /tmp/jekyll$(PORT).log

GitHub Pages Tool requirements

All GitHub Pages websites are managed on GitHub infrastructure. GitHub uses Jekyll to transform your content into static websites and blogs. Each time we change files in GitHub it initiates a GitHub Action that rebuilds and publishes the site with Jekyll.

Instructions for Setting Up Your Environment

Depending on your operating system, follow the specific instructions below to set up your environment. Navigate to the scripts directory in your terminal and execute the corresponding script.

For WSL and/or Ubuntu Users

For macOS Users

For Kasm Users


bundle install

Development Support

File Names in “_posts”, “_notebooks”



SASS support


</h3><p class="post-meta"></p> ` Note that the liquid syntax is surrounded by curly braces and percent signs. This can be used anywhere in the repository.


Blog site using GitHub Pages and Jekyll

This site is intended for Students. This is to record plans, complete hacks, and do work for your learnings.

Metadata, also known as “front matter”, is a set of key-value pairs that can provide additional information to GitHub Pages about .md and .ipynb files. This can and probably will be used in other file types (ie doc, pdf) if we add them to the system.