History of CSA AP Exams


Paper exam in Gym, MCQs and FRQs

  • Some Scrum Teams were very connected and worked well within classroom, while others were often caught off task: doing work not related to classroom, or simply goofing off.
    • One team resorted to plagiarism, scores were 3, 1, 1, the 4th member did not test. Another was out of focus on algorithmic requirements and spent too much time on presentation/frontend 4, 1, 1 and two did not test.
    • Teacher observed teams that were very active in assignments and collaboration 5, 5, 5, 4; 5, 5, 5, 3; 5, 5, 4, 4, and one did not test.
  • Test Prep Tuesday were polarized between hard working individuals those not paying attention. This resorted to Teacher leading Test Prep and abandoning what seemed successful in prior years, Student Led Test Prep.
  • Stats show there is essentially no middle in result data. Lots of lots of failure or one end, lots of success on the other. The lower scores were associated with people not handling responsibility of their own time in classroom, plus not doing work outside of class.
  • Adjustment for 2023 class will be ensuring everyone starts with their own digital portfolio; thus, individual checks will be in place out of the gate.


Pandemic and online exam in lock down browser, MCQs and FRQs

  • Adjustment from 2020 was that Scrum Teams were standardized at 4 to 5 people. Teams were very responsible throughout the year.
  • Students took on Student Led Test Prep Tuesday and produced prepared lessons.
  • The single student that received a 2 was a surprise to me as they were very active in the classroom. Very close to 100% passing.
  • Stats show there is no left in this graph, very successful class.


Pandemic and online exam, only FRQs

  • This was Mr Mortensen 1st year as Teacher
  • Scrum Teams were too large in some cases, but Teams seemed to be strong. A few people in larger groups were coat tailing, this caused standardization to teams of 4 and 5.
  • Students did a lot of async self-administered Test Prep in online groups. They had a big sense of reaching out to each other.
  • Stats show that most took opportunity. The lower scores were more associated with some students starting slow, partially Teacher not understanding how to reach toward those with less experience. At this time, an Intro class existed and there was some expectation of knowledge.