Plans Week 13

  • Monday: Check #announcements daily, Review Trimester Objectives, Form Preliminary Teams, Schedule Student Lectures, Start Assignments, Verify Tools
  • Tuesday: FRQ1 Methods and Control Structure Tech Talk
  • Wednesday Work Day (See Hacks and materials below)
  • Thursday: FRQ2 Classes Tech Talk
  • Friday: FRQ1 Live Review, Work Day
  • Monday after Turkey: FRQ2 Live Review

Trimester 2 Pre-Holiday Units #1-#10 Objectives

Establish a clear focus/understanding on each FRQ type and obtain mastery in Units 1-10. Ensure Fastpages study blog is organized for student success. Complete the pre-holiday work by planning frq and blog projects and ensuring college board elements are incorporated in projects. Plan/Research databases and security technicals and incorporate ideation into the Tri2 N@tM issues and scrum board.

Points will be on following…

  • Becoming fluent in 4 FRQ types.
  • Establishing mastery in Units 1-10.
  • Completing Teaching requirement.
  • Maintaining and demonstrate Fastpages, Jupyter Notebooks with Java kernels
  • During Pre-Holiday students will be expected to complete Fastpages/Blog and Units #1-#10. Additionally they will complete assignments on FRQs.
    • Every individual considers Fastpages tagging and searching on their blog.
    • Every student required to use Blog for both Study and PBL reference.
    • Revisions are encouraged after grading, these can enhance published grading through presentation in office hours.
  • Student Grading of FRQs and Units #1-#10
    • Comments will be enabled on each assigned page within Student Blogs.
    • Student grader will comment and score on user comments on Blog page.
    • Each pair will score the entirety of pairs FRQs and Unit #1-#10 based on grader calculations.

Trimester 2 Pre-Holiday Project Team formation

Here is a list of required features. Students are allowed to select their own FE features and application purpose.

  • Build off of a previous project, don’t start from scratch
  • Usage of Spring Security and JWT
  • Usage of a Database (ie SQLite). Or, use AWS RDS instead of SQLite
  • Team Roles
    • Scrum Master needs to take accountability of Quality of overall Project at each presentation milestone. They will assist in Frontend development.
    • Frontend Developer will be responsible for User experience and User functionality. They will understand APIs and how to fetch and format data.
    • DevOps will be responsible builds, broken builds, databases, loss of data, or github/merge failures. It is expected team has continuous integrations on AWS. DevOps will assist in Backend Development.
    • Backend Developer will be responsible for Database functionality and API interfaces. They will understand Curl, Postman and establish Backend Testers/Drivers.
  • Each individual performs Full Stack development on Methods, Control Structures, Classes, List (ArrayList), and/or 2D arrays in FRQ development.


Implement 2019 FRQs using templates provided in lectures. Focus on the type of the FRQs that you are working on, determine how each FRQ type is different. Note, the intentions are to makes each FRQ an AP and PBL task.

  • College Board FRQ information
    • College Board FRQs, requires login
    • If you are struggling, implement FRQs as they are defined, the evaluate your success against this video. 2019 FRQs explained
    • Make a Jupyter Notebook(s) on each FRQ. Make sure you build pages and tags on each unique type of FRQ into your Fastpages.
  • Required Week 13 work
    • FRQ1 Due Friday. Complete FRQ1 hacks from lecture.
    • FRQ2 Due after Turkey. Complete FRQ2 hacks from lecture.

Add FRQ Hacks to your study blog

There are four types of FRQs required. Add to your study Guide a Jupyter Notebook FRQ from each of these four types. Make sure you correlate the solutions with your vocabulary.

  1. Methods and Control Structures question
  2. Classes question
  3. Array/ArrayList question
  4. 2D Array question