This is only year where my Bitcoin Mine was real consistent. So far in 2022, the price has dropped significantly. Plus, I had some issues with the Mine that I did not correct for a couple of months. I expect to yield 1/2 or less.

  Date Bitcoin USD Rate USD Electric, Waste, Internet, Irrigation Profit
  1/16/2021 0.023589 $36318.79 $856.72 $456.42 $400.30
  2/16/2021 0.034337 $49228.48 $1690.36 $443.19 $1247.17
  3/16/2021 0.024407 $55749.94 $1360.69 $424.57 $936.12
  4/16/2021 0.024891 $61620.14 $1533.79 $411.57 $1122.22
  5/16/2021 0.031278 $35652.94 $1115.15 $385.80 $729.35
  6/16/2021 0.029744 $35886.19 $1067.40 $404.67 $662.73
  7/16/2021 0.023861 $31730.45 $757.12 $397.29 $359.83
  8/16/2021 0.019816 $45940.31 $910.35 $446.59 $463.76
  9/16/2021 0.018246 $47884.44 $873.70 $419.30 $454.40
  10/16/2021 0.015192 $60886.01 $924.98 $434.50 $490.48
  11/16/2021 0.013775 $59561.35 $820.46 $363.40 $457.06
  12/16/2021 0.011817 $46740.19 $552.33 $417.41 $134.92
Totals   0.270953 $47266.60 $12463.05 $5004.71 $7458.34
  Month Travel, Plane, Gas        
Built Trailor Shed April $517.58 Drove up, Flew Home 2 people    
Small House Residence June-July $1253.65 Flew up, Drove Home 3 people