This is a general help for NightHawk pages. This is a project to assist students on their learning journey in Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE), AP Computer Science Principles (CSP), and AP Computer Science A (CSA).

GitHub Pages setup

To get started you need to activate and configure GitHub Actions with a Theme.

File Names in “_posts”, “_notebooks”




SASS support


</h3><p class="post-meta"></p> ` Note that the liquid syntax is surrounded by curly braces and percent signs. This can be used anywhere in the repository.



Blog site using GitHub Pages and Jekyll

This site is intended for Students. This is to record plans, complete hacks, and do work for your learnings.

GitHub Pages

All GitHub Pages websites are managed on GitHub infrastructure. GitHub uses Jekyll to transform your content into static websites and blogs. Each time we change files in GitHub it initiates a GitHub Action that rebuilds and publishes the site with Jekyll.

Preparing a Preview Site

In all development, it is recommended to test your code before deployment. The GitHub Pages development process is optimized by testing your development on your local machine, before committing files to GitHub.

Development Cycle. For GitHub pages, the tooling described below will support a development cycle, such as make-code-save-preview. In the development cycle, it is a requirement to preview work locally, before doing a VSCode commit to git. Preview functionality requires Python and Python libraries.

Deployment Cycle. In the deployment cycle, sync-github-action-review, it is a requirement to complete the development cycle before doing a VSCode sync. The sync triggers a GitHub repository update. The action starts with the Jekyll build to publish the website. Any step can have errors and will require you to do a review of GitHub Actions.

WSL and/or Ubuntu installation requirements

MacOs installation requirements

The result of these steps is MacOS tools to run the preview server. These procedures were created using jekyllrb.com. Run scripts in the scripts directory of the student repo: activate_macos.sh. The expected name of the repository to run these scripts is ‘student’.


bundle install

Metadata, also known as “front matter”, is a set of key-value pairs that can provide additional information to GitHub Pages about .md and .ipynb files. This can and probably will be used in other file types (ie doc, pdf) if we add them to the system.

Key files in Computer Science Lab Notebook