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Learn All sort

Sorts Article 1

CB wants you to work with Selection Sort, Insertion Sort and Merge Sort. Teacher has added Bubble Sort and Quick Sort. The material on these sorts is prevalent on the Internet and ChatGPT.

  • Build into this Jupyter Notebook(s) for Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort. Share solutions.
  • Build into this Jupyter Notebooks Tester methods that runs each Sort
  • Commit to GitHub Repository often, try to use GitHub commits to show iterations on work
  • Build your sorts into Generic T List (aka Collectable) extending Comparable using compareTo to sort the objects.

Learn Algorithmic Sort in depth

Sorts Article 2

Build your performance sort into your custom built collection, aka List

  • Implement a Sort into your List in Jupyter Notebook … Here is concept.
  • Utilize Capabilities of Object overrides with toString and compareTo to Sort using Object overrides (these are built in by extending Collectable).

Build toString to return JSON for List, Queue and/or Stack so they could be utilized with API.

  • Demonstrate changing Sort keys with Tester Methods
  • Look at this for FrontEnd ideas using these new Data Ops