What do beginning developers like to work on? Everyones says the best way to learn a language is to build something. What would beginning developers like to build?
- Geeks for Geeks Research Ideas
- Talk to someone who rembers their 1st Web project. What did the build?
- Ask someone what they need. It is always best to be working on something that is useful.
- Think about your school year. Computer Science is often thought about as a tool box. How would you use the tools of Computer Science to help you become a better student this year?
Grab a Calculator
Students can grab a simple calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project will introduce them to basic user interface design and event handling in JavaScript.
- Learn about STYLE and SCRIPT
Show how style usage is integrated into THEME
- Many calculators are available on Internet and ChatGPT, search “calculator in javascript”. Additionally, Teacher has these calculators…
Grab a Game
Building a game is an excellent project for students to explore more advanced JavaScript concepts, such as game logic, handling user interactions, and managing state.
- Many Tic Tac Toe games are available on Internet and ChatGPT, search “tic-tack-toe in javascript”. Additionally, Teach has some other games that are very common…