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GitHub Pages Frontend Development

This mini project is intended to help student make their own submenu, start Web Programming, and learn GitHub Pages. The original topics for these lessons include …

  • Making a menu
  • Using the menu to Guide topics
  • Make your own customized pages and menu
  • Making a page that has dynamic actions through JavaScript
  • Review usage of Styles in GitHub Pages
  • Start the process of debugging

Files in this mini project

Learning how to identify files in GitHub Pages is a key skill. The class will continually share files and have challenges using GitHup Pages and Jupyter Notebooks.

  • To copy files between repostories, open two vscode windows and you can drag and drop
  • The _includes directory is the default location to place files that you want to share across many files. i
    • Copy the file _includes/nav/frontend_basics.html into the _includes folder of your student repository.
    • This creates the navigation links between the different pages in this mini project
  • The _notebooks directory is the default location to place all .ipynb files. These are interactive notebooks in VSCode and are converted to Web Pages through GitHub Pages Actions.
    • Copy all files that contain frontend-basics in the name.

JavaScript console in VSCode for Jupyter Notebooks

  • When printing outputs from javascript to the console you will need to open the developer console
    • Go to Help->Toggle Developer Tools and click console on the top bar of the developer window