• How Enemies were created in the Game
  • Enemies & Collision

    Basics of Enemies and Collisions in the platformer game

    Here is what you need to know about enemies and how they interact in the platformer game:

    What is an Enemy?
    • An enemy is a game object designed to challenge the player
    • They can move and be defeated
    What Must Enemies Do?
    • Move: Enemies have movement patterns, for the goombas it is randomzied horizontal movement
    • Collide: They interact with the player, such as dealing damage or being destroyed
    • React: Enemies die when hit by the player
    Collision Basics:
    • Collisions determine how enemies and players interact
    • Use boundaries or hitboxes to check if they touch

    ##### Common results of collisions:

    • Player Hits Enemy: Player takes damage
    • Player Jumps on Enemy: Enemy is defeated
    Styling and Design:
    • The enemies fit the game’s theme (appearance, behavior, and placement)
    • Enemies challenge but not overwhelm the player

    Now that we are done with the boring stuff, we can start what we actaully need to do to create an enemy with basic features

    How Enemies were created in the Game

    Step 1 - Creating the Enemy

    1. Create the Enemy File
      • In assets/js/platformer, a file called Enemy.js can be seen
    2. Define the Enemy Class
    import Character from './Character.js';
    import GameEnv from './GameEnv.js';
    export class Enemy extends Character {
        // constructors sets up Character object 
        constructor(canvas, image, speedRatio, enemyData){
            // Player Data is required for Animations
            this.enemyData = enemyData;
    export default Enemy
    • Note the Enemy class extends the Character class
    1. Add Enemy to Main Game
      • Define the enemy in the assets object (define the enemy’s image source and size)
    var assets = {
        enemies: {
            goomba: {
                src: "/images/platformer/sprites/goomba.png",
                width: 448,
                height: 452,
    1. Include Enemy in Game Levels

      • Add the enemy to the game level setup:
    new GameLevel({
        tag: "hills",
        background: assets.backgrounds.hills,
        platform: assets.platforms.grass,
        player: assets.players.mario,
        enemy: assets.enemies.goomba,
        tube: assets.obstacles.tube,
        callback: testerCallBack
    • This integrates the enemy into the game

    Step 2 - Basic Features

    1. Add Movement to the Enemy
      • Update the Enemy class to include movement
    update() {
        // Reverse direction at boundaries
        if (this.x <= 0 || this.x + this.width >= GameEnv.innerWidth) {
            this.speed = -this.speed;
        // Move the enemy
        this.x += this.speed;
    • The enemy moves left and right, reversing direction at the canvas edges
    1. Add Collisions
    • Collision logic is handled in Player.js using existing frameworks
    • Example collision handling code:

    NOTE: Mr. Mortensen has already laid out the foundation for the collision code. We aren’t coding the actual logic for collisions here but rather a simpler version of such. Code for collisions will be handled in Player.js rather than in the Enemy file

    if (this.collisionData.touchPoints.other.id === "enemy") {
        if (this.collisionData.touchPoints.other.left) {
            // Reset game (player hit enemy from the side)
        if (this.collisionData.touchPoints.other.right) {
            // Reset game (player hit enemy from the other side)
        if (this.collisionData.touchPoints.other.ontop) {
            // Defeat enemy and make player bounce
    • This ensures the player and enemy can interact effectively


    • Define the enemy in the assets object
    • Add movement and boundary detection to the enemy
    • Handle collisions in the Player.js file