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Creative Development - Week 3

In the Student handout… College Board states that Students need to obtain knowledge and skills that can include, but need not be limited to, “the iterative development process, strategies for collaboration, the development of both data and procedural abstractions, and describing an algorithm’s purpose and explaining how it functions. A development process includes ideation, research, reflection, design, implementation, and testing your program.

  • Scrum Board planning, revising plans, incremental goals, and iterative development are proven methods toward achieving a successful delivery.
  • Pair Share team needs to work together to optimize delivery to Teacher.
  • Each student needs to become competent in HTML fragments, Jupyter Notebooks, and Python.
  • Each student needs to begin technical application of College Board requirements in “Unt 2: Data” and “Unit 3: Algorithms and Programming”.

Weekly Schedule

  • Tuesday (makeup Monday): PBL review below; “Live Review” with pairs: show personal progress in ideation and prototyping.
  • Wednesday: Test Prep - Code.org AppLab, Finish live review
  • Thursday: Tech Talk - Discuss Create Performance Task.
  • Friday: Crossover Review last 15-20 minutes with crossover grading

PBL Ideation

Start the process of Ideation, Design, Scrum Board building, and assigning Issues prior to coding. Ideation are early ideas.

  • One unique idea, aka something useful to your pair and/or something that helps you in school
  • Show case work and labs from TPT and TT.
  • A page that highlights YOU
  • In this ideation process, it is critical that you Review College Board Create Task project requirements.

PBL Prototyping

The process of Ideation, Design, Scrum Board building, and assigning Issues prior to coding. Early ideas, followed by early coding (prototyping) helps lead Developers into the iterative processes of Development.

  • This should be done using Pair Programming. A driver and observer, then switching.

PBL Code/Code/Coding

This is bringing Ideation and Prototyping into something that has function and purpose.

  • Issues and Coding should show progress to Create Performance Task requirements.
  • This is a Creative Development Sprint, it is not expected to be finished. However, it should show iterative progress.

PBL Test

Projects should be tested. Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process relying on software requirements (Issues) being converted to test cases before software is fully developed.

  • Test cases should be developed within Issue before software is fully developed.
  • Testing and reviews can be combined with crossover grading.
  • Self and crossover testing and grading should consider how your ‘Unique idea(s)’ matches your Issue(s).
  • Undoubtedly, after this phase, new Issues are created; these issues represent changes that were not obvious when you started.

PBL Development

At this point in time… It should be obvious that Development and Coding are not the same thing. Answer the question, “what is development?” or “why do they call people that code engineers?”.

Progressive learning objectives to become a Development Engineer versus a Coder. Students need to establish a Trimester Long self-evaluation progress sheet on these objectives throughout the term.. Each time you do a review ticket you should consider with of these you have improved on.

  • Proficiency in GitHub Pages/Fastpages and Jupyter Notebooks. Learn how to keep notes, search, tag, and develop code fragments in a personal GH Pages project
  • Become Active in Classroom Development Methodologies like Pair Programming, Issue Definition, Scrum Boards, GitHub Code Management, Review Tickets, Video making, Lesson Presentation, and Live Grading
  • Establish skills in Fundamentals of Programming using Python and JavaScript. Understanding Code concepts like Sequences, Selection, Iteration, and Procedural Abstraction
  • Become fluent in Data Abstraction using Arrays in JavaScript, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), and Python Lists and Dictionaries
  • Establish Developer Operations (DevOps) skills in GitHub, Visual Studio Code, Linux, Bash, AWS and other Deployment tooling
  • Learn how to build the Frontend (JavaScript fetch) and Backend (Python/Flask) Web components of a Web Server. Become knowledgeable in Web Server endpoints and working with JSON.
  • Develop understanding on how Binary works and how it is the language behind all languages and data. Examine this more in depth through the exploration of binary abstraction used in Images
  • Relate all of the above objectives to the College Board Big Ideas 1-5 and the Create Performance Task requirement. Start self-evaluation process on GH pages. Additionally, Teachers will administer CB competency via MCQ testing available on AP Classroom

Hacks - Live Grade before Monday AM.

This is a big planning and prototype week, Build all things into Scrum Board. Individuals demonstrate progress on assigned Issue(s) and then complete Issue(s)with tangibles.

  • DO NOT show up to a review without a Issue(s), mostly referred to as a Review Ticket with links to Tangibles.
    • NEVER state that you don’t have an Issue or Commit because you were helping someone else. This statement will get you a 70% grade at best.
    • Provide Crossover and Self grade at the top of the Review Ticket. Anyone who rates their work above 90% must have something completed outside of the requirements.
    • GitHub Page and Jupyter notebooks makes it easy to have a link to your own tangible(s) in a working document.
    • A high quality Issue will reflect Ideation, Prototyping, Code. It is very easy to take 5 minutes a day to update your Issue before embarking into work. This is called Daily Planning. In fact, Daily Planning will help with your classroom focus
    • A good way to progress above 90% is to show how you are becoming a Development Engineer.
  • Each Pair performs Review each week with crossover Pair, use review to see if Issue is complete
    • Crossover must make comments and grade within their comment, if individual has not done a crossover grade with comments they will receive 10% reduction on their score.
    • Individual grade and Crossover grade at top of Review Ticket is required. Make sure you do math on any rubrics provided, grade yourself on everything in the Canvas assignment, it does not matter what the vocabulary is around points and ownership.
    • If you score yourself higher than the grade you received from Crossover, show how you made adjustment/corrections.
    • Individual will need to discuss grading and reflection/learnings from crossover grading during their presentation.
  • Each Pair programming partnership should be prepared to complete their review with Teacher in about 2 minutes. Focus is on Creative Development.
    • Be prepared to talk and accept feedback.
    • Focus on Review Ticket, Demo, Issues(s) completed, Failures, and New Issues Created
    • Optimize time for where you are the same.
    • Individuals should each speak to their own differences
    • Think about your vocabulary!!! For instance, when you say development… know how it is different than coding.