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Data Abstraction - Week 2

As you use Python, as with all programming languages, managing data is a key skill. Data abstraction is the reduction of a particular body of data to a simplified representation of the whole. Or in other words, something that is easier for the developer to understand. Data Abstraction, along with Procedural Abstraction, are the keys making successful programs. Data Abstraction is vital when sharing data amongst developers, sharing data across the internet, or working in technologies like BioMed, Data Science, etc.

  • Variables are a way to name, store, data and reference data. We have started working with variables in our last sprint. Lists and Dictionaries are variables with extended features for storing and retrieving data.
    • Lists, think of [] square brackets, are a way of grouping data in an ordered sequence, and will be a big part of the requirement for the College Board Create Task project. All students will need to become proficient in lists to do well in the class and succeed in the AP exam.
    • Dictionaries, think of {} curly braces, are a way of grouping data into in key-value relationships. Dictionaries are similar to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). Knowledge of Dictionaries and JSON is key to Web Development.

Daily Plans Week 2

Introduce some concepts in College Board: Big Idea 2 Data (All Sections), College Board: Big Idea Section 3.2 Data Abstraction.

  • Monday: Introduction for Week. “Live Review” with full Table (4s). Start review topics in College Board. Build your vocabulary blog.
  • Tuesday: Test Prep - Discuss Lists and Dictionaries
  • Wednesday: Tech Talk - HTML fragments, including behind the Scenes Layout, Code/Code/Code, Completing canvas assignment
  • Thursday: Human Day - Anthony and Sahil blogging interests and progress in CS.
  • Friday: Practice Pair Programming Habit of 20 minutes/20 minutes each having 1 commit on Wednesday and prepare comment for next weeks review.