Points Link

Introduction to Python - Week 1

Introduction to Python sprint is a time to learn and obtain basic skills needed to Code a little bit.

  • Learning basics of Python
  • Learning how to Check setup work using Bash
  • Capturing notes and coding while building a Fastpages/GitHub pages and a yearlong individual notebook
  • Establish positive PBL habits: a focused mindset in the classroom, establishing work habits to achieve success.

Daily Plans Week 1

Discuss some concepts in Big Idea 3 Algorithms and Programming. Always Code/Code/Code in classroom when schedule allows! Practice Pair Programming Habit of 30 minutes/30 minutes/1 commit each and start of “Personal Computer Plan”. Here is a resource that can help you do a Python Overview, though use Jupyter Notebook and VSCode instead of the suggested IDLE. If you use this resource, try to create something that looks similar to their website; this will teach you how to design based off of what you see.

  • Monday: “Live Review” with pairs: show personal progress in setting up tools with Teacher. Doing checks with Bash Jupyter notebook.
  • Tuesday: Test Prep - Discuss Anatomy of Python.
  • Wednesday: Tech Talk - Fastpages, Jupyter Notebooks, Markdown : Tour of working on _posts and _notebooks.
  • Thursday: Tech Talk - Focus and Habits, video frm Yale.
  • Friday: Code/Code/Code - Pair Programming in Jupyter Notebook.

Points and Tangibles

  • Points (see canvas), live reviews will be scheduled in class on Monday of next week. Everything will be crossover graded using a “Review Ticket”
    • Individual/Pair
      • _posts: “Personal Computer Plan”
      • _posts: “Focus and Habits” video from Yale
      • _notebooks: “Anatomy of Python”
      • _posts: “Review Ticket”