Instructions to Download Visual Studio Code Remote - WSL

Windows is the number one desktop operating system. However, Linux is a preferred standard for many developers. Using WSL you can develop in a Linux-based environment, use Linux-specific tool chains and utilities, and run and debug your Linux-based applications all from the comfort of Windows. This gives the developer on Windows the best of both worlds.

Download WSL

This section of the document is intended to get the WSL distribution of Ubuntu installed on you Windows PC.

  1. Open a PowerShell. Enter WSL installation command at Prompt:
    wsl --install
  2. If you receive error the required operation requires elevation You will need to perform wsl install command again, but 1st elevate permissions using command: start-process PowerShell -verb runas
  3. As it states in output in shell, you will need to reboot your computer. My suggestion is to select Restart or if available Update and Restart.
  4. After booting up there are several things that could occur
    • A Command or PowerShell prompt could automatically pop up prompting you for a username. Choose a username and password to create an account.
    • Some other event may occur. Make sure you establish password when requested. Verifying or take action in Command or Powershell, try these as C:\Users\<username>
    • Type wsl --list, you should see Ubuntu
    • If no Ubuntu, Type wsl --list --online, then use wsl --install -d Ubuntu
    • After success
  5. After WSL install, verify the following before you continue:
    • Open Command or Powershell, Run as your own user account.
    • Type wsl, this should put you in a different looking prompt. From C:\Users\<username> to <username>@MSI:
    • If you ever need to elevate permission for installation sudo wsl, followed by your computer password. - Observe that drive changes from C:\ to /mnt/c when you change prompt from native Windows to WSL.

Download Visual Studio Code

Installing Visual Studio Code (VSCode) with the Remote extension lets you use the WSL as your full-time development environment right from VS Code

  1. Install VSCode, Download VSCode Windows Version
  2. When prompted to Select Additional Tasks during installation, be sure to check the Add to PATH option so you can easily open a folder in WSL using the VSCode code command.
  3. Install the Remote Development extension pack

Opening up VSCode with WSL

  1. Open a WSL terminal window (using the start menu item or by typing wsl from a command prompt / PowerShell)
  2. Navigate to a folder you’d like to open in VS Code Here are some useful commands for our work
    cd ~     # takes you to your personal directory on Windows
    mkdir vscode   # creates a folder to clone your repositories
    ls     # views the content of the directory you are currently on
    cd ~/vscode  # changes the directory to path for vscode files
    git clone # clone repo
    cd APCSP  # changes the directory to path for APCSP repos assets
    code .  # opens APCSP in VSCode
    cd ..    # changes the directory to the previous/parent directory
    git config --global  # tell git your email
    git config --global mygithub   # tell git your github id
  3. Type code . in the terminal. When doing this for the first time, you should see VS Code fetching components needed to run in WSL. This should only take a short while, and is only needed once.

Opening up VSCode with WSL terminal

Here is sample of steps with WSL equal to ```shay``` These steps will need to be adapted to your environment.

  • These two commands help git to understand your identity
    shay@MSI:/mnt/c/Users/ShayM$ git config --global
    shay@MSI:/mnt/c/Users/ShayM$ git config --global shay
  • These commands clone a repository and load VSCode for work
    shay@MSI:/mnt/c/Users/ShayM$ mkdir vscode
    shay@MSI:/mnt/c/Users/ShayM$ cd vscode
    shay@MSI:/mnt/c/Users/ShayM/vscode$ git clone
    Cloning into 'APCSP'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 8306, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (2360/2360), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (723/723), done.
    remote: Total 8306 (delta 1312), reused 2305 (delta 1262), pack-reused 5946
    Receiving objects: 100% (8306/8306), 16.27 MiB | 1.11 MiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (4360/4360), done.
    shay@MSI:/mnt/c/Users/ShayM/vscode$ cd APCSP
    shay@MSI:/mnt/c/Users/ShayM/vscode/APCSP$ code .
    Installing VS Code Server for x64 (6d9b74a70ca9c7733b29f0456fd8195364076dda)
    Downloading: 100%
    Unpacking: 100%
    Unpacked 2416 files and folders to /home/shay/.vscode-server/bin/6d9b74a70ca9c7733b29f0456fd8195364076dda.

Setup Observation

VSCode with WSL shows a WSL indicator in the bottom left corner of Window. WSL Status Bar


Read more on WSL and VSCode VSCode doc