P3-M 4/24 Posting Text and ImageImage Manipulation and Get/Posting Text and Images Apr 24, 2023 • 1 min read student Lesson Overview Subtopics: Lesson Plans Plans for Homework/Hacks Grading Pair/Trio Groups Lesson Overview Teaching how to create a User Class and POST request to a database. Create a database for images and upload images onto backend. Subtopics: Connecting to SQLite Database Connecting to APIs Basic CRUD Functions Using images (possible python library to change images in some way) and uploading Lesson Plans We will have a Jupyter notebooks for the class to make a copy of code segments in the notebook for people to change as we do the lesson We will have questions and practice problems for people to answer out loud May implement hands on activities Plans for Homework/Hacks Add notes throughout the blog lesson Answering questions throughout the blog lesson Ask for an example from the student connecting to a database and adding data, doing a CRUD function Grading Each member of the group will get the same amount of students to grade 0.5 for thorough notes/questions in the blog lesson 0.4 for hacks when implemented 0.1 for extra credit that we will define Pair/Trio Groups Jeffrey/Jagger/Dylan: Working on the database and creating the actual notebook for the lesson Ben/Derek: Working on images and code segments for image manipulation and uploading Luke/Saavan: Write out the lessons, notes, and questions for each topic