Plans Week 4

Focus on running Python and Fastpages local Web Servers. Additionally, students will start process of making videos to show work.

  • Monday: Live Review
  • Tuesday: Test Prep - Collaboration
  • Wednesday: Tech Talk - Python and Fastpages local servers
  • Thursday: Human Day - Focus and Habits
  • Friday: Code, Code, Code

Points will be awarded on these elements

Running a Python Web server locally

Follow Tech Talk and setup your own Python GitHub repository.

  • Clone GitHub repository and prepare VSCode for editing and running project.
  • Show your Python project running locally.
    • Discuss local IP address and Port used to run server locally.
    • Show process of local edit, save, and refresh of impacted page on Web Server.

Running Fastpages Web server locally

Follow Tech Talk and setup your Fastpages to run locally.

  • Ensure proper usage of .gitignore file of ipynb and docx files
  • Show your Fastpages project running locally.
    • Discuss local IP address and Port used to run server locally.
    • Show process of local edit, save, and refresh of impacted page on Web Server.

Live Grading Presentation. 

On Live grading day you will show a 1 minute video that shares how you can run, edit, change Python and Fastpages Web servers.

  • Show both servers running on your machine simultaneously.
  • Make an edit on each server in VSCode and show reflected change using Browser.
  • Show making a permanent change (Commit, Sync) on VSCode.
  • Show GitHub change list and show delta of change on GitHub Web Page
  • On Fastpages show initiated Action from change
  • On Fastpages show GitHub pages reflected change using Browser

Live Review. Review ticket and playing a Video. 3 Teams/Tables will observe all other members. Approx. 12 - 1 minute videos.

  • Videos should incorporate something you took away for Focus and Habits in the Review Ticket, Video, or personal Blog. Perhaps something that shows Collaboration could get you and team toward 3 points.
  • It is suggested that you Create a YouTube channel, if you don’t have one. Videos should be placed in YouTube or Google Drive. NOT in GitHub, NOT in Slack.
  • Make sure you have a Team review ticket with all Video links. The twelve people watching should have a place to comment on each individual.
  • Be prepared to present fast, be quick, we think you should show everything in under 5 minutes for a Team of 4.