Start with a Comment (Seed -0.2 to +0.1)

These next few weeks can be some of the most creative and productive education you will ever have in High School. Every person listening needs to get involved in this lecture by commenting in this blog

  • Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom?
  • What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?
  • How would you measure success in your team?
  • In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

Quality Method and Mantra

Agile fits in the process of building a software engineering culture to enable you to work on applications of interest and purpose. Agile development can help teams prioritize and deliver software while being creative…

  • Combining Agile methodologies and DevOps practices, you can create a light weight processes to increase efficiency of development and delivery.
    • Create Issues and complete with peer reviews
    • Make small incremental changes to avoid getting bogged down in bugs
    • Setup Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), always be able to share where you are at, at any moment
    • Continuous Improvement, be open to change
  • In my experience, Teams that embrace collaborative culture start to produce a creative outcome. Each person need to be teachable, allows suggestions. and avoids dictating orders and demanding changes.
  • Additionally, be mutually focussed on building something of interest is directly linked to the Teams creativity and quality.

Caution on Deliverables

In my recent evaluations of personal blogs I have noticed a lack of commitment to quality in personal work. - Definitions incomplete, out of date pages, incomplete review tickets, not posting your score.

  • Points/grades from now and until the end of the year will be more dependent on quality measures that Teachers see built into your process.
  • Be sure you can speak to your work, on-time or late.
  • Late work will only be accepted after the student clarifies what is missed and work is defended as their own.

Agile tips for success

Take a look at some of these tips from Agile writers …

  • Become a people who value creativity and quality in their software engineering culture and are committed to it.
  • Prioritize creativity, quality and set realistic expectations for project deadlines.
  • Educate the team on the importance of code reviews, automated testing, CI/CD and other elements of quality development. Ensure that source code is only mainlined after it is verified locally with automated tests (ie tester methods at each level of system, FE,BE can be verified independently).
  • Embrace automation in testing and delivery whenever you code something new. Properly implemented automation can lead to better productivity.
  • Don’t leave creativity and quality to just one member of the development team. Instill a culture that promotes contribution at every step and from every position in the team. Set goals.
  • Encourage collaboration between different teams. Review each others contributions, even when not assigned.
  • Establish metrics to measure and monitor completeness in each feature – identify potential improvement areas after each check point in the project.


Quality 1st and Creativity/Features 2nd will be the keys to 2nd Trimester points. Each team role needs to establish goals. To improve software it is important that all parties in the project have full understanding of requirements through fluid communication channels. Thus, establishing a development plan is a requirement. Here are some ideas …

  • Feature Focus keep an up to date blog/readme on the features of your project. The focus is to have 4 to 5 major features and the team should keep an up to date status of the progress of those features. This includes how each feature meets all the criteria of College Board Create Task.
  • Scrum Master should have Team Member Issues and Customer/Teacher/Grader review ticket always in plan. The review ticket should line up with Quality and Feature Focus. Scrum Master maintain features/quality plan and holds team members accountable to plan. Think about Scrum Board, README, and Issues as key artifacts to plan.
  • DevOps should have CI/CD goals. Process should be able to identify failures when the occur and by what change.
  • Backend Developer should have tester methods that don’t depend on Frontend code or later CI/CD process to catch errors. Make sure key features are working in backend.
  • Frontend Developer should establish full system checks before reviews. Don’t be that guy that says, “it worked last time I tried it”. All system checks should be able to be performed on localhost frontend server.

End with Comment Edits

Every person should modify their comment.

  • Take a moment to review standards linked on this page. Provide summary in comment on why information is this blog is important?.
  • Would you rather work on PBL project, or or do assigned free-response coding questions (aka FRQs)? Which would be easier to meet class standards?
  • Trust and Freedom are often earned. How will you show your passion and ability to succeed in your work?
  • What key learnings and focusses are a priority for you?


Every Team should review comments, google agile manifesto, and then make a team manifesto.

  • In a manifesto you should have priority elements, as shown in this blogs image.
  • In a manifesto, have an element that tells team what is most important, have a supporting element that is less important but needed to support processes.
  • Have 3 to 5 lines in your manifesto.