Lesson Overview

Teaching how to create a User Class and POST request to a database. Create a database for images and upload images onto backend.


  • Connecting to SQLite Database
  • Connecting to APIs
  • Basic CRUD Functions
  • Using images (possible python library to change images in some way) and uploading

Lesson Plans

  • We will have a Jupyter notebooks for the class to make a copy of
    • code segments in the notebook for people to change as we do the lesson
  • We will have questions and practice problems for people to answer out loud
  • May implement hands on activities

Plans for Homework/Hacks

  • Add notes throughout the blog lesson
  • Answering questions throughout the blog lesson
  • Ask for an example from the student connecting to a database and adding data, doing a CRUD function


  • Each member of the group will get the same amount of students to grade
  • 0.5 for thorough notes/questions in the blog lesson
  • 0.4 for hacks when implemented
  • 0.1 for extra credit that we will define

Pair/Trio Groups

  • Jeffrey/Jagger/Dylan: Working on the database and creating the actual notebook for the lesson
  • Ben/Derek: Working on images and code segments for image manipulation and uploading
  • Luke/Saavan: Write out the lessons, notes, and questions for each topic