
Plans Week 8

Focus on PBL - Commitment to your Agile Development process and tangibles.

  • Monday: Stand-up Meetings, Live Review
  • Tuesday: Code, Code, Code, Live Review
  • Wednesday: Unit 1 Student Presentation
  • Thursday: Unit 2 Student Presentation
  • Friday: Code, Code, Code

Team Points

Prepare for CTE Auditors, Oct 20th. Additionally, this is recommendation season. Analysis of the following will speed Scrum Team work, improve quality of Recommendation, prepare you to discuss progress with auditors (if you are selected) and make a better N@tM final. Look at the following criteria…

  • Identify and Apply a Software Development process.
    • Describe your Software Development Life Cycle
    • Describe how you plan, track sprints, track features, track milestones, and assign versions.
    • Highlight Agile process: research, design, coding, testing, review, repeat.
  • Define and analyze systems and software requirements.
    • Define Computer Systems you will develop.
    • Indicate Tools or Automation you will use improve tracking requirements.
    • Define strategies that enable Team to target the specific needs of the customer (ie Product Owner)meetings, demos, and collecting feedback.
  • Create and implement and effective frontend between humans and technology
    • Show frontend design artifacts (wire frames)
    • Describe any consideration you have made for customer needs.
    • Indicate accommodations you have made for English Language Learners or those with Disabilities
  • Develop software using programming languages
    • Identify authoring tools (IDE’s, Docker) used
    • Describe and/or show visuals which interactions and integration of programming languages, protocols, and data within project (Flow Chart/UML).
    • Describe and/or illustrate key Procedures, Functions, Algorithms that will be required to complete this system (Flow Chart/UML).
    • Be sure to use comments in code to facilitate current and future understanding of the key portions of system.
  • Develop data, data types, databases, and APIs.
    • Identify authoring tools (IDE’s, Postman) used.
    • Describe and/or illustrate key data types, data structures, objects, files, and databases that will be used (Flow Chart/UML).
    • Describe use of database, tables, attributes, records, and systems of access (POJOs, JPAs)
    • Be sure to use comments in code to facilitate current and future understanding of the key portions of data.
  • Test and Demo Software during each Sprint
    • Consider using GitHub Issues to support this process.
    • Develop and describe expectations of each feature.
    • Use feature, expected outcome, and the minimal amount of code each feature.
    • Document accomplishment with tangible evidence.
    • Have feature reviews, demos, and obtain feedback (team and/or customer)
    • Update and derive new features and tasks for next step in Software Development Life Cycle

Individual Points

Each individual should prepare for each Sprint and Reflection meeting on successes or failure within the project. Highlight things that involve the following…

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creativity

Presenter Points

Assignments from Student Lectures.

  • Unit 1
  • Unit 2