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Algorythmic Fun

This will be a scored event, maybe an infinite amount of points:joy:. Remember it is important to Teacher to see if you can do something to promote a little fun in Computer Science.

Key Indicators

Each team should have 16 people on the floor during performance day.

Recruit Diversity

We are encouraging you to pull some people to add diversity from other Computer Science classes CSP or CSSE. It is up to you to recruit and train these people on you algorithm. The diversity I am primarily hoping for is Women in STEM. Not having 16 people will likely mean a deduction for the team. The CSP or CSSE people will receive extra credit for participation.


Performance is at 8:30 am Wednesday the April 3rd. Be early and be prepared. Be sure to watch all the other performances. We will start the even with a random draw for performance order. Plan the introduction of your teams the performance.


I am looking for a Publicist from each group that will ensure key event(s) are documented on X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube. These will be published using the NightHawk Coding Society twitter and youtube pages. Contact Mr M to help enable you to publish.


Obtain Choreographic help in your team, ask VAPA. You should think about artistic impression and algorithmic accuracy. Two judges will be at the event and will be instructed to score on this category. You should consider if there is something from your 2 trimester project that can help to “Theme” your sort.

Judges and Cheering

There will also be College and Career judges. Often these judges are influenced by energy and explanations. You may be able to influence energy by recruiting your own cheering sections. Explanation of what you are doing (short and sweet) are always of great benefit. Watch a couple of last years videos for tips.


Algorithmic Code Prep is required. I am expecting some sort of Algorythmic/About page built into your team projects on your Sort. Also, I expect to see evidence of at least 3 full team practices, all represented on X and/or Youtube. Chronicles of preparation are key to Teacher grading, consider these as 3 checkpoints. There will be challenges on preparation because of two periods and ~4 non CSA students. But there is Office Hours, Weekends, Panera, etc.