Showcase Overview

This will be a Live Review! A Live Review is where Students present to Teacher. The Students share accomplishments from the Sprint with the Teacher. The review will highlight elements from the sprint.

Work is performed daily in class, expectations are 2 hours of outside work weekly. A Showcase for a Sprint is where you, and in this case your pair, have progressed working on Canvas Assignments and Hacks in the time provided until you scheduled Showcase. Everything is iterative, so there is no such thing as extended time in a Sprint Showcase. Everyday you should be working and blogging to prepare for the Showcase.

Showcase Requirements

This is a culmination of all activities in a Sprint. During the Sprint there is always time to preview or communcate progress with the teacher; if you have shared progress during the sprint, be sure to highlight success to jog Teachers memory. Never, never expect the Teacher to remember something you did. The Showcase is time for you to shine and impress.

Ongoing Evaluations

There are many ways to perform assesments in classroom. Grade is not the only assessment that is on a report card. A Student, on a daily basis, establishes work behaviors and capabilities with a Teacher, An employee, on a daily basis, establishes work behaviors with peers and manager. We will be establishing a Data Science profile 1/0 for each student as we progress in the class, this profile will be maintained by Teacher and will be used in evaluating grade.