What is an Accessory Method?

An accessor method, also known as getter methods allows other objects to obtain the value of instance variables or static variables.

Purpose of Accessor Methods

  • Allows safe access to instance variables
  • Accessor Methods keep data access private and secure
  • If you need to access instance variables form a different class, accessor methods are necessary

Lets Make Our Own Accessor Methods

public class Minion
    // Start by defining instance variables that you'll want to access later via the accessor methods
    private double height;
    private String name;
    private String hair;
    private int eyes;

    // Default Constructor
    //String n, int c
    public Minion()
        height = 3.7;
        name = "Bob";
        hair = "None";
        eyes = 2;

    // Overloaded Constructor
    public Minion(double h, String n, String hr, int e)
        height = h;
        name = n;
        hair = hr;
        eyes = e;
    // Accessor Methods!
    public double getHeight()
        return height;
    public String getName()
        return name;
    public String getHair()
        return hair;
    public int getEyes()
        return eyes;

// Create minion object Kevin
Minion kevin = new Minion(4.10,"Kevin","Sprout-Cut",2);

// Print Kevin's properties

Popcorn Hack

Gru is preparing for his big mission to steal the moon, and he needs to assign his minions various tasks based on their skills. Create a new getter method called skillLevel and print out the Minion’s skillLevelMinion class with the attributes name, task, and skillLevel. Implement some getter accessor methods, and then create a Minion object to retrieve its values.

public class Minion {
    private String name;
    private String task;
    // Create  skillLevel instance variable

    public Minion(String n, String t)
        name = n;
        task = t;
    // Getter Methods
    public String getName()
        return name;
    public String getTask()
        return task;

    // Add getter method here
Minion Stuart = new Minion("Stuart", "Developing propulsion system");
// Add print statement to get skillLevel

Developing propulsion system

Things to keep in mind when creating your Accessor Methods

  • The accessor method must be public so that you can retrieve your instance variables outside of the class
  • The return Type must match the type of the instance variable accessed
  • The naming convention is often getNameOfVariable
  • There should be no parameters in your getter methods
