Binary Math and Truth Tables 4/26/2023


  • Converting binary between other forms of machine abstraction, i.e hexadecimal, decimal, etc.
  • Machine language and how machine language uses binary
  • Context-based storage/abstraction
    • Abstraction of data using binary
  • analog and digital representation
  • overflow/rounding errors
  • compressing data
  • lossy/lossless conversion
  • Truth tables and logic gates (XOR, NOR, and uses)
  • uses of binary in CSP

Lesson Plans

  • We will have our main content on a github pages website
  • There will be code segments that will be presented and analyzed
  • There will also be visual aids
  • We will be demonstrating a simulation

Plans for Hacks

  • A mix of coding challenges, MCQs, and some SAQs
  • Asking students to build usable code.
  • Allow for a variation of choice in order to allow for extra credit

Frontend/Backend Application


  • Setting up machines with Conda scripts
  • Github Pages
  • fetching and filtering content
    • including formatting data on frontend and using frontend buttons
  • 3rd part APIs with analysis and cleaning

Lesson Plan

  • We will have our main content on a github pages website
  • There will be code segments that will be presented and analyzed
  • There will also be visual aids

Plan for hacks

  • Coding challenges
  • Questions to test knowledge


  • We will be grading each aspect with full points, half points, or no points
    • half points is for incomplete work but had genuine attempts